By Glynn Wilson –
WASHINGTON, D.C. – After realizing it was the 14th anniversary of 9/11 on Friday, I rode the mountain bike to the College Park Metro station and took the train downtown. I decided to ride around the White House and see what new vantage points I could find to photograph.
After hanging for a little while in Lafayette Park on the north side of the White House, I rode around to the south and noticed extended barricades and it looked like something was going on connected to the 9/11 anniversary. About the time I made it around to the south lawn, I heard a helicopter overhead and looked up.
It was Marine One, apparently with President Barack Obama onboard coming back to the White House from the Pentagon, where there was a special ceremony on the anniversary of the plane crash there on 9/11. So I was able to photograph it coming and going. Stock photos for the future and a photo essay for today. Notice the flag at half-staff.
![Marine One Drops President at the White House on Fourteenth Anniversary of September 11, 2001 White House9 11 14a 1024x766 - Marine One Drops President at the White House on Fourteenth Anniversary of September 11, 2001](
An afternoon view of the north lawn of the White House with the statue of Jefferson Jefferson on rearing horse in the foreground and the Washington Monument in the background on 9-11-2015: Glynn Wilson
![Marine One Drops President at the White House on Fourteenth Anniversary of September 11, 2001 White House9 11 14b 1024x762 - Marine One Drops President at the White House on Fourteenth Anniversary of September 11, 2001](
An afternoon view of the north lawn of the White House with the statue of Jefferson Jefferson on rearing horse in the foreground and the Washington Monument in the background on 9-11-2015: Glynn Wilson
![Marine One Drops President at the White House on Fourteenth Anniversary of September 11, 2001 White House9 11 14d 1024x646 - Marine One Drops President at the White House on Fourteenth Anniversary of September 11, 2001](
Marine One flying past the Washington Monument with President Barack Obama onboard on his way back to the White House from the Pentagon on 9-11-2015: Glynn Wilson
![Marine One Drops President at the White House on Fourteenth Anniversary of September 11, 2001 White House9 11 14e 1024x653 - Marine One Drops President at the White House on Fourteenth Anniversary of September 11, 2001](
Marine One with President Barack Obama onboard on his way back to the White House from the Pentagon on 9-11-2015: Glynn Wilson
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Great photos Glenn.. Right place at the right time.. be careful..