It seems Joe Cain Parading Society organizer Jim Baldwin wants to limit walking processions at the oldest Mardi Gras procession in the United States. Members of a Second Line marched through Bienville Square Park on Sunday to protest limits placed on walking crews at this year’s Mardi Gras in Mobile, Alabama, on of all days Joe Cain Day, the people’s day that is not supposed to be just all about the Secret Societies that put on and control the schedule and all things Mardi Gras in the port city.
Watch this video to learn more.
Joseph Stillwell Cain, Jr. “Joe Cain” (October 10, 1832 – April 17, 1904) is largely credited with the rebirth of Mardi Gras celebrations in Mobile, Alabama, stopped due to the Civil War. In 1867, following the American Civil War and while Mobile was still under Union occupation, Joe Cain paraded through the streets of Mobile, dressed in improvised costume depicting a fictional Chickasaw chief named Slacabamorinico. The choice was a backhanded insult to the Union forces in that the Chickasaw tribe had never been defeated in war. Joe was joined by six other Confederate veterans, parading in a decorated coal wagon, playing drums and horns, and the group became the “L. C. Minstrel Band”, now commonly referred to as the “Lost Cause Minstrels” of Mobile.
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