Saturday, April 19, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. –
Hundreds of people from across Alabama, Mississippi and the Panhandle of Florida will be heading to the the Fairhope Pier parks in Fairhope, Alabama Saturday, April 19 to attend the state’s largest Earth Day festival.
“This unique all-day free event is filled with family-friendly fun, including live music, an Environmental Film Festival, art and educational activities, ‘Blessing of the Animals,’ an ‘Aerial Silk Artist,'” and many other activities, according to organizer Carol Adams-Davis with the Mobile Bay Sierra Club and the Alabama Sierra Club Foundation, the groups sponsoring the event along with the city of Fairhope.
“Earth Day Mobile Bay supports the issues of our Alabama Gulf Coast, acknowledging the environmental challenges we all face, and invites the public to integrate sustainable practices into everyday life,” Ms. Adams-Davis said in a press release announcing the event.
Earth Day Mobile Bay will be observing the four-year anniversary of the BP oil disaster and will feature the many organizations that are involved in a healthy and sustainable Gulf Coast recovery, she said.
The exhibits and hands-on activities are hosted by community groups, environmental organizations, (federal, state, county and city) government agencies, museums, schools, and local businesses.
“These earth-friendly exhibitors will showcase renewable energy and environmental technology, provide the tools and inspiration to pursue earth-friendly solutions, and introduce prominent green educators and organizations talking about green sustainability and solutions,” she said.
If you are an animal lover, you and your animal friends are invited to attend the “Blessing of the Animals” at 1 p.m. If you are not able to bring your pet, you may wish to bring a picture of an animal you love or an endangered species in the wild.
This year’s Environmental Film Festival will feature thought-provoking documentary films, which raise awareness of current environmental issues and help provide solutions.
Films on the schedule are: “America’s Amazon”, “The Mobile-Tensaw Delta,” “Chasing Ice,” “GrowthBusters: Addicted to Growth,” “A Fierce Green Fire,” “Gasland 2,” and “Backyard.”
“Our goal is to not just get people concerned, but to get people motivated, by offering great transforming solutions,” Ms. Adams-Davis said.
New 2014 hybrid and electric vehicles will be on display as well. Avid car enthusiasts, environmentalists and everyday consumers will be provided information about all of the green vehicles.
Learn about local sources for organic foods, and organizations supporting the development of a stronger local food economy. Buying food from local farmers keeps dollars in the local economy, preserves our valuable land, and adds to our good health.
Recycling options will have a strong emphasis. The City of Fairhope will sponsor free onsite electronic recycling, and you are encouraged to drop-off old TV’s, computers, cell phones and other old household electronics.
A great line-up of local live music entertainment will continue throughout the day with ROGERWOOD, Sassafrass, Hurricane Warning and the Ryan Balthrop Band.
Attendees are encouraged to take the Green Route options to Earth Day such as walking, bicycling, ridesharing, sailing, kayaking and riding public transit.
There is a FREE Shuttle Bus Service to and from the Fairhope Pier. The designated Shuttle Pick-Up Parking Lot is the Big Lots parking lot, (N. Greeno Road, Fairhope).
The shuttles will run continuously throughout the event, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
For directions and more event details, please visit the Earth Day Mobile Web site.
Outdoor Stage Performance Schedule for Earth Day Mobile Bay 2014
10 a.m. Mayor Kant’s Welcome and Earth Day Mobile Bay Awards Ceremony
12 AM Sassafrass
2 PM Hurricane Warning
4 PM Ryan Balthrop Band
The Environmental Film Festival will be under the big tent. Admission is free, and popcorn and lemonade are complimentary.
10 a.m. Gasland 2”
12:10 a.m. America’s Amazon, The Mobile-Tensaw Delta
1:15 p.m. GrowthBusters: Addicted to Growth
2:15 p.m. A Fierce Green Fire
4 p.m. Chasing Ice
5:15 p.m. Backyard
For more information, contact Carol Adams-Davis, Earth Day Mobile Bay publicity, at 702.496.5050 or e-mail
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Gee, I am sorry I missed all that. Fairhope is such a terrific place….