Connecting the Dots –
By Glynn Wilson –
I’ve been wondering when someone would mention the television ad for Senator Richard Shelby of Tuscaloosa, who is running for reelection in 2016 in spite of his age.
He will be 81-years-old on election day and 87 if he lives to finish his term.
I’ve been seeing the ad myself, aghast.
But I’ve not heard anyone mention it in a bar or even on Facebook.
Finally someone has produced a funny video about the ad (see below).
Although when you think about it, it’s not really very funny.
Who does the guy want to be?
Watch the funny video here:
Richard Shelby – Alabama Politics as Usual – Original Commercial from Mamanim on Vimeo.
We can handle all this news in a snarky blog kind of way, complete with an array of anonymous comments to keep those interested in such things entertained.
Or we can go out there and be reporters and ask the tough questions. Like I did back in February 2012.
Senator Richard Shelby Answers Ethics Question
Here’s a video I made asking Shelby in person at a town hall meeting in Birmingham about a Washington Post investigation that showed he personally profited from the so-called “pork barrel” money he got earmarked in his home town of Tuscaloosa for a new federal courthouse.
If you want to see a real journalist at work, watch this video and share it.
I bet you didn’t even know that Shelby was unethical. Probably because didn’t write about it, which means it didn’t get on television or the radio in Alabama, and therefore was never shared on Facebook by people in the state.
We can do better people. We must.
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I sure hate hearing about Richard Shelby and the other white meat in Tuscaloosa.
I arranged and photographed “Eggs and Issues Breakfasts” and other political affairs for the Bessemer Area Chamber of Commerce for several years back in the early 1980s. I really liked Shelby at the time, even though he appeared to have several “groupie” followers. As a matter of fact, he was the first Democrat for whom I ever bothered to split a ticket and I had hand full ofl long-lost pictures taken with him and other state and federal politicos.
P.S. I notice he is only a little over two months older than I am. Not many of us old farts left. Pfffft~!