State Sponsor of Terrorism Iran Orders 114 Planes From Airbus

Will they build them in Mobile? How will state and local officials and the local media respond? –

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Alabama Governor Robert Bentley welcomes Airbus to Mobile

By Glynn Wilson –

MOBILE, Ala. — When Alabama officials celebrated the news that Airbus would open a plant to build planes and provide jobs here, little did they know one of the biggest customers would turn out to be Iran, a country long accused of being a state sponsor of “terrorism” against the United States and its allies in Europe.

We are wondering how Governor Robert Bentley and other Republican officials and the local media feel now that the news is out via breaking news from a French wire service.

How could they have known that the U.S. would lift sanctions on Iran and that Muslim country — the subject of much vitriol for allegedly planning to build a nuclear weapon — would end up ordering 114 planes, many likely to be built at the new plant in Mobile. The order calls for Airbus A320s and A321s, the series of planes to be built at the Mobile plant.

Airbus also builds these planes in China and Germany, so it’s possible some of the planes could be built there. But the Mobile, Alabama, plant was touted as needed so Airbus could expand to meet production demand when new customers come a calling — like Iran.

Iran said Sunday it will buy 114 Airbus planes to revitalise its ageing fleet, in the first major commercial deal announced since the lifting of sanctions under its nuclear agreement, according to AFP via Yahoo News.

Transport Minister Abbas Akhoundi said a deal on the purchase would be signed between national carrier Iran Air and Airbus during a visit to Paris this week by President Hassan Rouhani.

Rouhani will travel to Italy and France from Monday to Wednesday, on his first visit to Europe since the implementation of the deal curbing Tehran’s nuclear activities in exchange for the lifting of punishing economic sanctions.

Rouhani has hailed the agreement as a “new chapter” for Iran as its economy returns to global markets.

Modernising the country’s air fleet and infrastructure is a top priority, with Akhoundi saying Sunday that only 150 of the country’s 250 planes are operational.

“We have been negotiating for 10 months” for the purchase of planes but “there was no way to pay for them because of banking sanctions,” state media quoted Akhoundi as saying.

“We need 400 long- and mid-range and 100 short-range planes,” he said.

He said the first batch of new planes would arrive in Iran by March 19 but provided no financial details of the deal with Airbus.

An Airbus spokesman declined to comment.

U.S. Rep. Bradley Byrne, R-Fairhope, and representative of the area where the new $600 million Airbus assembly plant is located, is among those concerned about the new U.S. foreign policy with Iran, according to Newhouse blogsite

“The deal requires us to trust Iran, and their actions have proven time and time again that they cannot be trusted,” Byrne said in a statement. “This deal gives billions of dollars to the world’s number one state sponsor of terrorism, and it fails to prevent Iran from building a nuclear weapon. Nothing about that is good for the American people or our allies in the Middle East. As the deal moves forward, Congress must continue to provide diligent oversight and do everything in our power to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.”

There’s no word on how he feels about planes being built for Iran in Mobile.

Akhoundi’s deputy, Asghar Fakhrieh Kashan, told AFP that Iran “essentially wants to buy Airbus A320s, A321s and A330s”.

“We will take delivery in 2016 and 2017 of Airbus A320s and A321s, with the A330s coming later,” he said. “From 2020, we will take delivery of Airbus A350s and A380s. We want eight A380s and 16 A350s.”

The A380 is the world’s largest passenger plane, a twin-deck four-engined long-haul aircraft.

Iran, with a population 79 million, has a good road network but still needs major transport upgrades, which Tehran hopes will boost tourism and trade.

Iran’s airports also need $250 million (230 million euros) worth of upgrades in navigation systems, Akhoundi said.

Only nine of Iran’s 67 airports are currently operational.

Iran has suffered several air crashes in recent years blamed on ageing planes, poor maintenance and a shortage of new parts.

News of the Airbus deal came as aviation industry representatives from 85 companies met in Tehran on Sunday to assess opportunities in the Islamic republic after sanctions were removed.

“It’s a really exciting time, there’s never been a situation like this,” said Peter Harbison, the head of the CAPA consultancy which organised the conference.

“A whole array of different aviation services and new jobs obviously are going to be created,” Harbison told AFP.

“Aviation is one of those industries that creates massive economic flow-on benefits, so tourism will expand, so you’ll need more infrastructure growth in hotels and right across the board.”

Akhoundi said Sunday Iran was also negotiating with US plane manufacturer Boeing, but provided no details.

He said Iran was in talks with the United States on the possibility of reopening direct air routes, which were cut after the 1979 hostage crisis that ended all diplomatic ties between the two countries.

Rouhani’s European tour will see him seeking to restore commercial ties with Italy and France, which were among Tehran’s main economic partners before the tightening of international sanctions in January 2012.

Competition to tap the Iranian market has been fierce as it emerges from international isolation.

Meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday, Rouhani said the two countries aim to build up economic ties worth up to $600 billion in the next 10 years. They signed a slew of trade agreements, including a $2 billion contract for China to electrify the railway line linking Tehran with second city Mashhad.

Will Byrne now have to contact Airbus and make them issue a statement denying that no planes built in Alabama will go to Iran?

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NAJ 2024 traffic Sept - State Sponsor of Terrorism Iran Orders 114 Planes From Airbus

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8 years ago

If President Trump keeps his campaign promises, Iranian Airbus customers will not be able to come to Mobile…denying these Muslims entry to the US means they won’t be able to inspect their planes being built here and won’t be able to send personnel for training in operation and maintenance of the craft…when production is cut back because the Iranians cancel their orders, what will the local Trumpeters say as they get laid off from their Airbus jobs?

Walter Simon
Walter Simon
8 years ago
Reply to  dunder

So therefore democracy is supposed to decide whether we go to war? The clubhouse will figure out a plan. They have so many to choose from, let’s see…

Bomb bomb bomb… bomb bomb iran? – John McCain, where are ye, airman? The flying frogs are on our shores building magic carpets!

Walter Simon
Walter Simon
8 years ago

The political establishment have been bashing Iran and Obama , what are they going to say now? Are they going to say tomorrow that alabama refuses to build planes for iran?

8 years ago

If we hadn’t used terrorism to take out Iran’s democratically elected government 63 years ago, they might have been friendlier in the interim.

Walter Simon
Walter Simon
8 years ago
Reply to  tinabraxton

Mossadegh was on the cover of Time as man of the year, then the cia overthrew him and put in a puppet dictator, causing a fundamentalist uprising.