Parts of Louisiana received more than two feet of rain in recent days, causing massive flooding that overwhelmed rivers and engulfed homes and businesses.
Emergency crews have rescued more than 20,000 survivors, and more than 11,000 survivors have signed up for disaster assistance.
The federal government has issued a major disaster declaration for four parishes throughout southern Louisiana.
Many people across social media are asking how they can help.
AmeriCares is deploying emergency response experts to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where historic flooding has killed at least seven people and forced tens of thousands from their homes.
“Flash flooding and rising waters forced many residents to evacuate quickly without their medications and other necessities, jeopardizing their health and safety,” said AmeriCares Director of Emergency Response Kate Dischino. “Our relief workers will ensure affected families have access to critical medicine and relief supplies at this difficult time.”
AmeriCares dispatched a response team from its Connecticut headquarters early this morning to assess health needs in impacted areas and coordinate aid shipments. After major flooding, the emergency response and global health organization often ships medicine, bottled water and hygiene products for displaced families.
AmeriCares has professional relief workers ready to respond to disasters at a moment’s notice and stocks emergency medicines and supplies in its warehouses in the U.S., Europe and India that can be delivered quickly in times of crisis. The organization has a long history of responding to emergencies in the U.S., including Hurricane Katrina, the Joplin tornado, Hurricane Sandy and the 2013 Oklahoma tornadoes.
To make a donation to AmeriCares U.S. Disaster Relief Fund, click here.
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