President-Elect Donald Trump to Bring ‘Victory Tour’ to Mobile

Trumps America - President-Elect Donald Trump to Bring 'Victory Tour' to Mobile

Trump’s America: New American Journal graphic by Walter Simon

By Glynn Wilson –

MOBILE, Ala. — President-elect Donald J. Trump is planning to bring his “victory tour” or “thank you tour” to Mobile on Saturday, Dec. 17. The event will take place at ​Ladd–Peebles Stadium beginning at 3 p.m.

You can obtain tickets here.

This was first reported by the local CBS News affiliate station in Mobile, WKRG News 5. Trump’s campaign staff told a reporter he will visit the Port City on Dec. 17 as part of his tour around the country to thank voters in key states for supporting his presidential bid.

Trump visited Mobile early in the Republican primary campaign back in 2015 where he was greeted with a surprisingly large crowd of about 20,000 people at Ladd-Peebles Stadium. He was joined on stage by Mobile’s own Senator Jeff Sessions who donned one of Trump’s signature red Make America Great Again caps.

That public appearance has been mentioned as a key turning point in his campaign, and led to what he began calling a “movement” of anti-establishment public support much like the similar crowds Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders drew in his anti-establishment campaign in the Democratic Party’s primary.

In the Mobile visit, Trump’s campaign was not greeted by angry protesters. There were no violent outbursts and no one had to be forcibly removed from the stadium. It could be different this time.

On his return visit, Trump might very well be greated by protesters who do not accept that he is their president too. Sources inside the activist community along the Gulf Coast say they are planning to greet Trump’s visit by burning Confederate Battle flags and Nazi flags, as we previously reported when the victory tour was only a rumor.

Trump Victory Tour May Get Surprise in Mobile: Burning Confederate and Nazi Flags

In the report from WKRG, the news station mentioned that like in other cities, the Trump campaign failed to reemburse the host cities for expenses related to his visit. While Trump claims to be a billionaire, he seems to have a long history of not paying his bills and workers fairly.

According to the Mobile mayor’s chief of staff Colby Cooper, Trump’s first visit cost the city $16,711.70. That included $7,431.70 for overtime wages; $1,155 to EllenJay for King Cake gifts; $700 to Kingdom Coach; $4,875 to Gulf Coast Tours; $2,550 to the Faith Bus Service.

And while it is known that many white, working class union workers supported Trump’s presidential bid, the leadership of the national unions tried to tell union workers Trump could not be trusted.

Richard Trumka, President of the national AFL-CIO, put out a statement and a video during the campaign saying one of the main qualities union leaders look for — and count on — from anyone who aspires to occupy the Oval Office, is “trustworthiness.”

“Voters need to know that we can trust our president to be truthful,” Trumka says. “Marty Rosenberg thought he could trust Trump to pay what he owed for the work Marty’s company did on the Trump Taj Mahal casino. Marty quickly found out that was a mistake.”

We are one of the few news organizations in America to report that at the time.

Why Are Unions, Union Workers Supporting Donald Trump and Other Republicans?

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