Clashing ‘Freedom of Speech’ Rallies to Rock DC on Sunday

Lincoln Mem3c - Clashing 'Freedom of Speech' Rallies to Rock DC on Sunday

The Lincoln Memorial: Glynn Wilson

By Glynn Wilson –

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Fascist white nationalist showboat victim Richard Spencer and his gang of alt-right neo-Nazi klan members are coming to Washington on Sunday, June 25, to “educate” us all about the First Amendment right of “free speech” and how it’s under attack — even though they have their favorite Republican in the White House and their party controls both houses of Congress and holds a majority on the U.S. Supreme Court.

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Neo-Nazi Fascist White Nationalists Richard Spencer and Jack Posobiec, Mr. Alt-Right and his cohort, Mr. Alt-Lite.

They are such tragic victims, right? Do you feel sorry for them yet?

To pile irony upon irony, the venue they picked for this so-called free speech rally is The Lincoln Memorial. You know, the monument to the president who held the United States together by leading the country in the Civil War and abolishing the institution of slavery with the emancipation proclamation and the 13th Amendment.

But not to worry. There will be lots of free speech there from counter demonstrators, and we will be there too, with about three video cameras rolling.

We are told by inside sources in the activist community around here that the place to go on the web to look for news on this event is a website called It’s Going Down, where they are making fun of the alt-right leaders as Pizzagating Young Boys.

If you really want to be amused or appalled, depending, check out the official Facebook event. It does not appear to be associated with any particular non-profit organization, perhaps because Spencer’s organization the National Policy Institute recently lost it’s tax exempt non-profit status for failing to file tax returns for three consecutive years. The Los Angeles Times also reported that Spencer failed to property file the paperwork for raising funds in Virginia, its listed primary place of business.

Spencer, an open supporter of Donald Trump, had flouted federal rules that forbid nonprofits from supporting or opposing political candidates. I guess that constitutes a violation of free speech to Spencer, who admitted that he didn’t know anything about such rules or paperwork.

“I don’t know what to say. I don’t want to make a comment because I don’t understand this stuff,” Spencer said in a telephone interview. “It’s a bit embarrassing, but it’s not good. We’ll figure it out.”

On the Facebook event, Spencer and his gang talk openly about a “dramatic increase in anti-Free Speech sentiment,” along with “legislative activity,” clearly a bad thing to these ignorant attention seeking goons. They complain about police “violence” against them and “law enforcement activity,” because you know, cops may try to do their jobs or something.

“No free society can long survive when there is no peaceful outlet for resolving differences,” they say, clearly not getting the fact that there are federal, state and local government agencies, town hall meetings, elections, and all kinds of democratic institutions where this happens all the time.

What they really have a problem with is clearly the fact that “racist” speech is shunned by most people in civil society, and they want the freedom to engage in racist speech. So they can, in their shabby kitchens and in front of the entire nation at the Lincoln Memorial, although there will be others in attendance who also share the freedom of speech to oppose their racist speech.

The official list of speakers does not include President Donald J. Trump, Attorney General Jeff Sessions or even Steve Bannon, formerly of alt-right Breitbart News, but I’m sure they will be there in spirit and watching on Fox News. The list does include Spencer, of course, along with Mike Enoch, Nathan Damigo, Augustus Invictus, Jason Kessler, Irma Hinojosa, James Allsup, Connor Groce, Matthew Lyons, Brien James and Baked Alaska (no, that’s not the official hors-d’oeuvre, it’s someone’s fake name).

One of the counter demonstrations by a group calling itself “Antifascists” includes a speakout against fascism and state repression” at the Washington, D.C. Metro Police Headquarters on Sunday, June 25, at 12 noon, the same time as the rally at the Lincoln Memorial.

Not sure we can make it to both events, but we will have a crew helping on this one. We are hooking up with experienced activist videographer Darrel Willis, who is camping here and will be manning a camera or two and helping with logistics.

Stay tuned for the best coverage in the country. We may even try to do some live video.

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