Alabama Attorney Goes Public With Attempted Bribery Allegations Against Roy Moore, Steve Bannon and Breitbart News

By Glynn Wilson –

Three months after Roy Moore went down to holy defeat in his divine plan allegedly ordained by God to take Jesus to Washington with him to serve in the United States Senate, more allegations are surfacing that could land Moore and some of his political associates in further legal hot water.

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Former judge Roy Moore speaks at Oak Hollow Farm in Fairhope with one week to go in U.S Senate race, Dec. 5, 2017: Photo by Glynn Wilson

Moore is already involved in defending himself in a defamation case, which made the news again this week.

If President Trump is Not Above the Law, Neither is Judge Roy Moore

Late Friday The Washington Post — which broke some of the stories about sexual allegations against Moore during the campaign back in November — broke a story alleging that Moore and associates attempted to bribe an attorney to walk away from representing one of the women accusing the former judge and Senate candidate of sexual misconduct.

In charges supported by recorded telephone calls, text messages and a hand written bribery agreement, they offered Hoover attorney Eddie Sexton $10,000 to drop the case and to issue a public statement disavowing the charges of Leigh Corfman as untrue. Even Republicans such as U.S. Senator Richard Shelby and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had come out against Moore and said they believed the women, including Corfman, and Shelby said he would not vote for Moore, who he said did not belong in the U.S. Senate.

Involved in this bribery scheme were Roy Moore himself, although he denies it, along with Steve Bannon — formerly a partner and executive with Breitbart News and an early national security staffer with the Trump White House — as well as conservative Republican Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, two editors with the conservative news outlet Breitbart and a couple of construction workers from Alabama.

At the height of the razor close election campaign, which drew national attention and resulted in a slim victory for Democrat Doug Jones of Birmingham, Moore and his associates conspired to bribe Sexton, a long-time friend of Leigh Corfman. He represented her for a time before her case went public.

The allegations are coming out now in part because the Washington Post staff kept digging and pressuring sources to go public, and because the U.S. Department of Justice led by Trump supporter and Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and the FBI, refused to investigate the bribery attempt as a federal crime.

What is not yet reported in the Washington Post is this. The very day the Roy Moore sex scandal broke, on Nov. 9 — the day I wrote this story — a man tried to break into Sexton’s office in Hoover, perhaps in an attempt to destroy evidence.

See Exclusive Surveillance Video

Check out the Washington Post story and the videos (posted below) for all the sordid details, but three sources involved in leaking this information to me are all left wondering why there is no federal investigation underway already in this case.

“I wish I could explain why the Justice Department, which Eddie contacted, said that it appeared no laws had been broken,” another lawyer involved in investigating this case told me in an interview Friday night. Birmingham attorney Michael J. Evans, who has been following my work on Facebook for some time now and supporting Ms. Corfman in her public ordeal of coming out as part of the #MeToo movement, said Sexton did everything he could think of to get the feds to investigate the bribery case.

“We were trying to do the right thing, and figure out a way to expose this illegal bribe attempt, so Eddie reported it, and was told by the Justice Department it didn’t appear any laws were broken,” Evans said.

Sexton ended up walking away from Corfman’s case anyway later so that more well equipped national and state law firms could handle the big national story and case against Moore for defamation.

“One of the most surprising and disappointing things for Eddie and me was that the FBI wouldn’t investigate,” Evans said. “The Justice Department emailed Eddie and said that the events did not appear to constitute a federal crime. After that we felt like we were on our own, just looking out the best we could for Eddie’s client, Leigh Corfman.”

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Steve Bannon of Breitbart News speaks on behalf of Judge Roy Moore at Oak Hollow Farm in Fairhope , Alabama, with one week to go in U.S Senate race, Dec. 5, 2017: Photo by Glynn Wilson

The two men who tried to facilitate the bribe for Moore and Bannon were Gary Lantrip and Bert Davi, business partners in a small construction company, who Sexton knew and had represented in a dispute over a real estate venture. The Post was not able to uncover how Davi knew Bannon, although it could have been through the tea party movement or a drug connection, considering his past.

“Let’s just say that I know Steve,” Davi said. “I’ve known him for a while.”

Davi spent several years in state and federal prison in the 1990s. He was convicted of auto theft in both Colorado and California, forgery in Wyoming, and a federal charge in Louisiana for being a felon in possession of a firearm, according to records reviewed by the Post.  

Davi had claimed to be a former member of the Hells Angels motorcycle gang, according to federal prosecutors in the 1997 weapons possession case. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 18 months in federal prison.

In 2005, he pleaded guilty in San Diego for distributing methamphetamine, identity theft and firearms violations. For that he was sentenced to five years in state prison.

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Donald Trump-Steve Bannon

The two Brietbart News employees who tried to help make the bribery story happen were Mathew Boyle, from Breitbart’s Washington bureau, and Aaron Klein, supposedly Breitbart’s Jerusalem bureau chief. They had been dispatched to Alabama to help Moore win the election, not exactly the normal role for real news reporters.

Breitbart is not really a news site. It just pretends to be one, and is in fact an outlet for fake news from the alt-right, supporting the racist, uber-nationalistic ambitions of Bannon and his former boss during the campaign and in the White House, President Donald J. Trump. The site was funded by an $11 million contribution to Bannon from conservative tech billionaire Robert Mercer, who is now back in the news for his role in Cambridge Analytica’s breach of data from Facebook.


The stakes were high for Trump, Moore, Bannon and Breitbart during the campaign.

“The effort to undermine Leigh Corfman’s allegations … shows how far some of Moore’s most fervent supporters were willing to go to salvage an Alabama campaign that many hoped would propel a nationwide populist movement and solidify Bannon’s image as a political kingmaker,” the Post wrote.

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Mr. Fake News himself, Steve Bannon (right) with discredited judge Roy Moore and his wife Kayla, who he has admitted he fell in love with at the age of 15: Facebook

So much for the king of alt-right, tea party hype who wanted to be Trump’s Karl Rove. He’s now banished to an undisclosed location to live out his days in his bathrobe, snorting cocaine and drinking whiskey, although he has recently popped up in Europe trying to help neo-Nazi candidates over there. He tells people he is “on the wagon,” but who knows.

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Steve Bannon, who Trump called “Sloppy Steve”: “I like Steve,” Trump said on more than one occasion.

Before he was hired and then fired to work in the White House by Trump after working on the campaign for the last three months from August-November, it was widely reported that he never liked to wear suits and show up for meetings at work. He preferred sitting around the house in his bathrobe and calling it in.

“One friend said he hates attending meetings, bemoans the need to frequently wear suits, and finds the government bureaucracy stifling. While living in Los Angeles, Bannon would sometimes participate in Breitbart conference calls before showering and in a T-shirt or bathrobe; his D.C. staff would joke about the last time he got a haircut,” according to the Washington Post.

Senator Rand Paul is implicated here for perhaps being in on helping to supply the money for the bribe, presumably, although he will surely deny it. Without a full federal investigation it has not been proven, yet. But the Post story shows that Moore, Bannon, Davi, Lantrip and Boyle all attended a fundraiser for Moore’s campaign on Nov. 1 at a townhouse in Washington, D.C., hosted by Senator Paul, before the sexual misconduct allegations surfaced against Moore on Nov. 9, about a month before the election on Dec. 12.

Doug Jones won the election by a margin of 49.8 percent of the vote in Alabama to Moore’s 48.2 percent, with 40 percent of registered voters turning out to vote.

See the videos here.

Published on Mar 23, 2018

Alabama lawyer Eddie Sexton alleges two of Roy Moore’s supporters worked to discredit one of his accusers during his Senate campaign.

Published on Mar 23, 2018

In a phone call recorded by Eddie Sexton and later obtained by the Post, the Alabama lawyer is heard speaking with friend and client Gary Lantrip about attempts to undermine Roy Moore accuser, Leigh Corfman. Sexton alleges Lantrip offered him $10,000 to discredit accusations of sexual impropriety against the then Republican Senate candidate.

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Laura Parenteau
Laura Parenteau
6 years ago

Wow! Great article Glynn! Everyone needs to read cause he just won’t quit running for stuff. Of course full of your commentary, but because I agree with you, I enjoy it. lol