Trump-Kim Summit in Jeopardy Without Total Nuclear Disarmament

180309115434 03 trump kim jong un split exlarge 169 - Trump-Kim Summit in Jeopardy Without Total Nuclear Disarmament

By David Underhill –

In an inscrutable Oriental blink the mirage of Korean peace begins to fade.

North Korea’s “Little Rocket Man”, whose grim regime was a target for fire and fury like the world has never seen, according to last year’s Trumpet blasts, yielded to the Bigger Man with the Bigger Nuclear Button. The puny despot, Kim Jong Un, suddenly became an “excellent, respected leader” scheduled to meet President Donald Trump, who had achieved a miraculous transformation in Kimian calculations from U.S. dotard to partner for peace.

This meeting would produce the complete, verifiable, irreversible denuclearization of Korea. That is diplobabble for: The North Koreans surrender their nukes – all of them, at once, forever.

Truthful hyperbole. That’s what Trump peddled to the suckers for his real estate scams. He said it proudly in his ghost-written Art of the Deal book. And that’s what he peddled to the public about the nuclear cleansing of Korea.

His new pet, Little Kim, purred and said: Yes, denuclearize the Korean peninsula. Let’s have a summit meeting to formally certify that. The Bigger Man congratulated himself over this, began campaigning for the Nobel Peace Prize, and his rally crowds already awarded it to him.

Then the new pet nipped him, as they are apt to do. Iraq and Libya once had infant nuke programs but lost them. Bombed away in one case, negotiated away in the other, and both regimes were soon obliterated by the very folks who demanded they shed the nukes. The North Koreans noticed this and yesterday said: Our country is neither Libya nor Iraq, which have met miserable fates.

This statement was a low-yield verbal nuke lobbed into the planning for next month’s Kim-Trump summit in Singapore. Anybody in the U.S. who ever thought denuclearizing Korea meant stripping only the North of its nuclear arsenal must believe they are as stupid as Western propaganda often portrays them, which would be a very stupid belief.

But they really are that stupid, many on the U.S. side will hope, because answering this argument is easy. Simply say: Sure, denuclearize the whole Korean peninsula, but that still means only the North has to give up anything, since the U.S. long ago removed the nukes it kept in the South.

Wrong! Little Rocket Man will retort.

You might not have any nukes on the land of South Korea, but you have them on subs and ships off our shores, on aircraft based nearby, on intercontinental missiles based in your homeland. Any of these can bomb us at any time. They are as great a threat as nukes located inside South Korea. So when we called for denuclerizing the Korean peninsula, that meant both sides have to abandon the possibility of nuking the other in Korea.

That means you must give up your nukes too – all of them, at once, forever. This is what we come to the Singapore summit to negotiate.

If this negotiation succeeds it will end the terminal threat that has been hanging over the world since 1945. For that feat Donald Trump would indeed deserve the Nobel Peace Prize. Perhaps the event would even enlarge his heart and shrink his ego enough to share the honor with Little Rocket Man.

The greatest obstacle to this outcome appears to be Trump’s national security adviser John Bolton. Usually reliable sources say he so ferociously opposes the Korean offer of peace by mutual nuclear disarmament that if Trump insists on pursuing it, Bolton will go to the podium of the press room and ignite his mustache in protest.

That would certainly burn down the White House.

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Susan Granade
Susan Granade
6 years ago

This piece puts forth a comical little scenario upon which hinges the fate of the world. It’s medicine, sweetened to “go down easy.”