To the Editor: Open Letter to Senator Jeff Flake

Dear Senator Flake:

1625756 10202400159099524 1434081054086567508 n 300x285 - To the Editor: Open Letter to Senator Jeff Flake

Photographer Rowland Scherman website.

You would be doing your county, as well as your party, proud if you were to vote no on Kavanaugh on Friday.

Consider the source of the appointment — a liar full of bluster appointing another liar full of bluster.

Then, consider the near treasonous activities of Mitch McConnell, leaving the Court a member short for nine months, only to “ram through” (his phrase) a totally unsuitable candidate for a lifetime appointment.

It would be good, also, if you were to pass this note along to others of your party who are considering how to vote on Judge Kavanaugh’s appointment to the Supreme Court.

Rowland Scherman
Cape Cod, Mass

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