Staff report…
Rural utilities are being encouraged to apply for the up to $600 million in loans and grants now available from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to help expand high speed internet infrastructure, according to a statement out Friday from U.S. Senator Doug Jones of Alabama.
Municipalities, telecommunication companies, rural electric cooperatives, internet service providers, and utilities may apply for funding through USDA’s new ReConnect Program to build out rural areas with insufficient broadband service. This pilot program is covered through funds secured in the federal budget passed by Congress for fiscal year 2018.
“Today, more than ever, high-speed internet is no longer a luxury, but a necessity,” Senator Jones said. “Students rely on connectivity for their education, hospitals and health care providers use telehealth capabilities to reach rural communities, and small businesses need the internet to thrive. It provides economic opportunity, strengthens our communities and connects our workforce throughout Alabama and the nation.”
The USDA will make available approximately $200 million for grants, with applications due April 29, 2019, as well as $200 million for loan and grant combinations, with applications due May 29 next year. There will also be $200 million for low-interest loans, with applications due by June 28.
“This USDA funding is a great opportunity to close the broadband gaps that exist in Alabama and I encourage any eligible entity in the state to apply,” Jones said, adding that the USDA funding “is a great opportunity to close the broadband gaps that exist in Alabama and I encourage any eligible entity in the state to apply.”
To help customers with the application process, USDA is holding a series of online webinars and regional in-person workshops. The full list of upcoming public webinars and workshops can be found at the ReConnect Program’s resource portal here.
ReConnect ProgramSenator Jones has continuously championed rural Alabama priorities, including his bipartisan Rural Healthcare Liaison Act, which passed the Senate and House this week as a part of the Farm Bill, now on the way to the president for signing, Jones said. The Farm Bill also included two broadband provisions sponsored by Senator Jones that provided an additional $400 million in federal funding for broadband service in rural communities across America.
Previous Coverage: Farm Bill Conference Report Passes Muster in U.S. Senate: Expected to Pass the House and Move to the President’s Desk by Week’s End
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