Russia Takes America Without Firing a Shot

From inside the White House –

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The Big Picture –
By Glynn Wilson –

“We will take America without firing a shot….”

It’s almost too bad that there’s no truth to the long-held rumor that Soviet First Secretary Nikita Khrushchev used some form of this quote while addressing Western ambassadors at a reception at the Polish embassy in Moscow on November 18, 1956.

Because it appears that Russia has taken over America — from inside the White House.

There is much dispute about the English translation of what Khrushchev actually said from interpreter Viktor Sukhodrev.

A longer form of the quote can be found all over the internets using any search engine.

“We will take America without firing a shot …. We will BURY YOU! We can’t expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism. We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within.”

The only portion of this quote that has been confirmed is the part “We will bury you,” and that interpretation has even been disputed by the New York Times. Some even inaccurately attribute the quote to Lenin or even Stalin.

No matter. Clearly Communism is dead anyway. Capitalism won. Cheer, cheer for the good ole US of A. #MAGA: Make American Great Again.

Due to the serious nature of our predicament at the present moment, however, I thought it might be informative — or at least fun — to play around with the concept of Russia taking over the United States from within. You have to admit it appears this has come true — in ways we never imagined.

Russia is not a Communist country anymore. It’s a corrupt capitalist country being run by the descendants of the Oligarchs of old from back when Russia had a monarchy, along with the Russian Mob and the remnants of the Soviet Union’s KGB. They never could beat us with the philosophy of Karl Marx, since his famous phrase, “Workers of the world unite” fell on deaf ears in the United States.

Union workers in this country — especially in the South — turned out to be the least educated Christian capitalists on the planet. Very few rank and file union members understood that a union is a socialist institution by nature. They had the power to take on the capitalist, corporate owners of the companies that employed them. They failed to use that power and instead have been in political cahoots with the owners of the means of production for decades.

It was white, male union workers who supported Trump in droves in 2016, just because he once went to West Virginia and claimed he would put the coal miners back to work. Never mind that the owners of the means of production, the power companies, were already switching to natural gas — because it was cheaper.


It was also racism.

White males in the working class hated President Barack Obama, mainly because his face was the wrong color.

They loved the story that the West won the Cold War, and the story that the West was won in America by brave white European pioneers over the Native American “savages.” You’ve heard it many times before. The winners always get to write the history. Even if it is based on a false myth just like our dominant religion and everything else that makes up our belief system here.

Now that we have clearly been taken over by a Russian agent, a traitor who is guilty of treason, “collusion” with Russia and obstruction of justice, we might begin to write the movie script on how this might all end.

There’s a 50/50 chance yet that we might save ourselves. But that means there’s a 50/50 chance this will be the end of us all.

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Fade up from black: The film opens with a closeup of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, delivering a report to close family friend and newly confirmed Attorney General William Barr. Rather than squelching the report, as some suspect he will do, he releases the entire report to the public at the risk of being fired by President Donald J. Trump. The New York Times and the Washington Post publish it. All the television news outlets cover it.

In it, Mueller’s team provide irrefutable details on all the ways Trump and the members of his campaign team colluded with Russia in 2015-2016 to undermine American democracy. An iron clad legal case is made for obstruction of justice. Words like “treason” and “traitor” are included in the language, and Trump is named in the report. There can be no room for fall guys. He is guilty. The buck stops with him.

In the best case scenario, Trump’s poll numbers fall below 30 percent support and Republicans in Congress start abandoning ship like rats fleeing the Titanic.

Democrats in the House bring articles of impeachment against Trump, and a trial is set in the Senate. Trump’s advisers tell him he has no choice. He must resign or face an impeachment trial and guaranteed removal from office and jail time.

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A fake version of the Washington Post that was distributed in Washington this week — I assume y’all saw that story — depicted a positive, dreamy scenario with Trump resigning in disgrace.

This is the movie Democrats are hoping to see. I hope they are right.

Unfortunately, there’s just as good a chance this movie will turn out to be a dystopian end of the world disaster film.

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Fade up from black: To fight off all the investigations of the president, Trump keeps the Democrats on the defensive about his border wall, which they refuse to fund, so he keeps the government shut down indefinitely, creating havoc and a real national security and economic crisis of epic proportions.

Unpaid TSA agents walk out on the job, shutting down the airports.

Federal prison guards who are not being paid fail to show up for work, and in response, inmates stage uprisings and take over the prisons.

Since Homeland Security computer experts are on furlough and not on the job to prevent it, Russian and North Korean hackers take over all government computers, shutting down the power grid, ports, traffic management systems, police stations, fire stations, etc.

Divided over Trump’s wall and going crazy from the chaos, armed gunmen begin shooting their own neighbors at will who disagree with supporting the new dictator, who they support because he wants to keep all the “foreign aliens” out of America. News reporters are murdered and locked up in local jails and prisons.

The mass hysteria leads to an economic collapse far worse than the Great Depression. Banks close. ATM machines don’t work. Nobody has money to buy food, and the grocery stores are emptied by looters in the first few days of the crisis.

Inspired by all the anarchy, Trump declares Martial Law and cancels the 2020 election.

The end of democracy. The end of America. The end of the world as we know it.

The only way to prevent this, in my humble opinion, is for the FBI to move quickly to get the grand jury in Virginia to indict Trump and for agents to arrest and remove him from the White House immediately. Forget about a Justice Department code that says a sitting president can’t be arrested while in office. A legal case for removing the president is already out there. It was put together to deal with Nixon and Clinton. We just didn’t have to use it then.

We say we stand for the principle that “no one is above the law.” If that is true, I say #ArrestTheMotherFucker.

Obviously that is not going to happen yet. A majority of FBI agents and federal judges are conservative Republicans. The Democrats are playing a political game, waiting on Mueller’s report and refusing to compromise to end the shutdown, hoping it will help erode public support for Trump.

Maybe this will work. But it seems to me that Trump’s propaganda skills are trumping the attempt by the Democrats to be nice and do the right thing.

This is a real time social science experiment in whether the selfish gene or the altruism gene wins.

Considering the narcissistic tendency of human nature, amplified by reality TV, 24-hour cable news and social media, I just don’t have a lot of confidence that love will win over hate in the short term.

It may be true that in the long arc of history, it trends toward justice. Love and justice have a chance to succeed in stable times with peace and relative prosperity.

But in the throes of a very real national and international crisis, people will fend for themselves.

Good luck out there everybody. Try to stay safe.

If we had a million dollars, we might be in a position to get this message out to way more people and perhaps make a difference to help turn the tide. If you think this is important, you can help today by making a contribution by clicking on the prescient cartoon. We commissioned this before Trump won the 2016 election. It might be that we know what we’re talking about.

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Mike Douglas
Mike Douglas
6 years ago

Do you yourself believe in this…?

6 years ago

I am from Russia. The Russian people never wanted to harm the Americans, on the contrary always looked at the example of the United States. Russians want peace, not war. Look at the history of Russia. We never took out the weapon first, but we always punish those who came to us with the weapon. Wars and confrontations have no place in the world. The world should be comfortable for everyone.

6 years ago
Reply to  Anton

Oh my atheist. “Russia never took out the weapon first”. Never say never. Just a facts: In 1672 Russian government declared war Ottoman Empire. 2. USSR – Finland war (1939) 3. USSR – Afghanistan (1979). Is enough?

6 years ago
Reply to  Anton

Dear Anton ,is a total lie, what you told. Russia after crash ofSoviet Union made aggression in Moldova(Pridnestroviye), Georgia(Abkhazia and Ossetia), Ukraine(Krym and Donbass).During II World War Russia attacked Finland and cut off Karelia.
Cut Poland with Hitler by Molotov- Ribbentrop agreement. Kuril islands are stolen from Japan.Stalin did not attack all Japan, because American bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki just to stop Russia. And ext……endless aggression.