Fox News Poll Shows Trump Presidency Sinking: Will He ‘Ratfuck’ the Country if We Don’t Make Him King and Dictator for Life?

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The Big Picture - 
By Glynn Wilson

The political and legal quagmire gripping Washington, the country and the world just grows weirder by the minute.

pixel - Fox News Poll Shows Trump Presidency Sinking: Will He 'Ratfuck' the Country if We Don't Make Him King and Dictator for Life?

I’m developing a new theory about why Donald Trump is doing what he’s doing, but first I want to talk about Rudy.

Rudolph William Louis Giuliani, that is, who Oprah Winfrey once called, “America’s Mayor” for his high profile role in the aftermath of the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2001.

For getting himself entangled in Ukraine on behalf of his boss, President Trump, Giuliani may have landed himself in some serious legal hot water he may not be able to get out of. Two foreign-born Florida businessmen who helped Giuliani investigate political rival Joe Biden were arrested this week in a scheme to illegally funnel money to a pro-Trump election committee and other U.S. political candidates in violation of U.S. election law, which prohibits foreign donations. Ukraine-born Lev Parnas and Belarus-born Igor Fruman were arrested at an airport outside Washington carrying one-way tickets to Vienna.

Members of the House committees involved in the ongoing impeachment investigation are now anxious to have Giuliani testify about his role in this. The parlor game in Washington now involves the question: Will Giuliani roll over on Trump to try to save himself like Trump’s former fixer Michael Cohen? Or does he already have a signed order of pardon socked away in a lock box in his suite in the Trump hotel in Washington?

I met Rudy and wrote about him once, in New Orleans, back in September of 2002, just a little more than a year after 9/11. In fact, I ended up being the only reporter in the room when he spoke to the Southern Governor’s Association conference at the Ritz Carlton Hotel on Canal Street.

While there was something about the guy that made me uneasy, and I didn’t want to like him, what he said that day made sense to me. So I gave him the benefit of the doubt.

Giuliani reveals thoughts on WTC site

But in retrospect, his role as Mayor of New York at that time near the end of his second and final term in office has been quite controversial.

Why he got hooked up with Trump along with then-Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions was also a bit of a mystery. Here’s my theory.

These megalomaniacal politicians, many who have come and gone as supporters of Trump, saw his uncanny ability to spin words and phrases and turn fake news into truth with large numbers of voters and they were absolutely fascinated by his tactics. Imagine if you will what they must have been saying to each other in private over strong drinks.

I mean Richard Nixon was a flawed human being and a corrupt politician, but even he in the end knew he couldn’t lie his way out of the Watergate scandal. Ronald Reagan could just conveniently forget things, and it turned out he did have Alzheimers, so history may judge him more kindly. George W. Bush had Karl Rove to make things up for him. And while he seemed like the worst president ever when he retired back to the ranch in Texas, he’s now having a bit of a resurgence with Trump in the White House. He even got a showing of his art at the Kennedy Center.

Trump has him beat by a mile. We’ve never seen anything like this.

Trump Theory

So here’s my theory on Trump’s true nature and intent with regard to his slogan Make America Great Again.

While we all know by now that this is a ripoff of Reagan, and a throwback to how Hitler came to power in Germany, could there be an even more sinister threat behind it?

Trump has been giving us hints all along, without coming out and saying it, that either we make him king and dictator for life, or he will “ratfuck” America on behalf of Putin.

You can look up the history of the term here.

I think Trump the narcissist has a grudge against the people of the United States for not supporting his casinos, hotels and golf courses, and the American bankers for not making him loans when he had to declare bankruptcy in 1990. He was bailed out by Deutsche Bank and the Russian Mob, and probably owes so much money to Russian President Vladimir Putin that they made a deal to ratfuck the United States if we don’t make him king and dictator for life.

Could this be the subject of the mysterious conversation Trump had with Putin back in July of 2018?

I mean Trump was able to distract us and change the conversation right after that, so we lost that train of thought, and everyone’s now forgotten about it.

Going Around in Circles, Chasing Trump’s Tail

This may be the only logical explanation for why he just abandoned U.S. allies in the Kurds in Syria.

Remember right after the 2018 midterm elections after the Democrats took over the House, and Trump got in a fight with Jake Tapper of CNN for calling the immigrants coming to the U.S. border an “invasion,” then threatened that nothing good would happen if the Democrats insisted on investigating him?

Democrats Take the House

House Speaker Nanci Pelosi recommended against even talking about impeachment at that time, and even after the Mueller report came out.

But what happened right after she decided the revelations about Trump’s actions with regard to the Ukraine should be “investigated” as “grounds for impeachment?”

Trump told the world — without consulting with his national security team or Defense Department staff — that he wanted U.S. troops pulled out of Syria. Who benefits more from that than Russia’s Putin?

Fox News Poll

Trump was also upset by a Fox News poll that showed his disapproval rating at 54 percent, with 52 percent of the country feeling exhausted by his presidency and a majority who want him gone.

Also revealed in the survey from Beacon Research (D) and Shaw & Company (R), which includes interviews with 1,008 randomly chosen registered voters nationwide who spoke with live interviewers on both landlines and cellphones and has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points for all registered voters, 43 percent think Trump’s policies are hurting the economy.

Public views are even more negative on his tariffs and trade war with China, Europe and other countries, as voters think they hurt rather than help the economy by a margin of 45 to 31 percent.

His job ratings on every other issue tested are “underwater,” according to the pollsters, meaning less than 50 percent.

On national security, only 45 approve the job he is doing, compared to 48 percent who disapprove. On immigration policy, only 42 percent approve, while 54 percent disapprove. On international trade, only 38 percent approve, while 53 percent disapprove. On foreign policy generally, only 36 percent approve of the job he is doing, while 54 percent disapprove.

On his handling of gun violence and the debate over guns, only 35 percent approve of the job he is doing, while 56 percent disapprove. On health care, only 34 percent approve, while 56 percent disapprove of the job he is doing.

By a margin of 46 to 25 percent, voters say their opinions of Trump have gotten worse rather than better since he took office.

When asked about threats to the stability of the United States, about 60 percent of American voters name corporate influence over government. Another 58 percent name racism, and 56 percent name foreign interference in U.S. elections.

Another 50 percent name climate change, 48 percent say political polarization, and 45 percent name income inequality. Only 28 percent of those surveyed said “socialism” is a threat, on the other hand, although 63 percent of Republicans seem to think it is.

The top three major threats among Democrats are racism at 78 percent, foreign interference in elections at 74 percent, and 72 percent name climate change.

Trump’s Presidency Sinking

Trump’s presidency is sinking, and so too his reelection prospects. So he will ratfuck the country any way he can. He should and must be stopped, post-haste.

Republicans better wake up to this, and now, or their party may very well be doomed to the scrapheap of history.

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John Stephens
John Stephens
5 years ago

I prefer the term “dustbin of history”, the contents of which are seldom recycled. Good one, Glynn. Had forgotten the history of the term “ratfuck”. Cheers.