The Night Before Christmas 2020

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The Great Convergence of Jupiter and Saturday creates a Christmas star: Glynn Wilson

By Glynn Wilson –

‘Twas the night before Christmas 2020, when all through the American house
The only creatures stirring were nurses trying to save people from dying of COVID.
The stockings were hung on the mantle with care,
In hopes of a big shipment of vaccine and a relief check from Santa.

The children were nestled all restless in their beds
With visions of a big Orange Scrooge ruining Christmas like the Grinch.
Sure enough, in the White House, Trump couldn’t keep quiet and walk away;
He just had to pardon his corrupt friends, and pocket veto the stimulus.

If there was a real Santa Klaus, in this crazy day and age
He would come with his sleigh and reindeer, and spirit the Trump family away;
Far, far away from Washington to a cold castle in Siberia;
Where Putin the real dictator could exact his final vengeance.

Outside in the night sky the Great Convergence was at hand
With Jupiter and Saturn forming a Christmas star seen across the land.
The Age of Aquarius moved in with the winter solstice;
A promise of a new era of peace, love and justice.

In the snows of Delaware, a new President and First Lady waited
For their chance to bring science, facts and reason back to the U.S.
Jill and Joe Biden took to the internet, bringing hope to millions;
Of a new era of understanding to America in spite of the Proud Boyz.

With snow on the way to the smoky mountains of East Tennessee;
In spite of great poverty and a lack of respect for the press,
We prepared a small ham, a green bean casserole and potatoes;
And crushed some ice for Manhattans with Larceny and Jack Daniels.

Trump ruined the last four years, but not another day
He can kiss our rosy-red asses and get the f__ck out of the way.
Democracy may be in peril but it’s not quite dead yet;
The planet is in trouble, but we won’t let it die without a struggle.

It may be that 2020 was the worst year ever, but remember what Newton said and find hope for 2021;
What goes up must come down, and for every low there is an equal and opposite high.
If there is a long-term trend toward peace and justice in the whims of the universe;
We urge you all to find some spirits and cheer, and keep hope alive in the New Year.

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A white Christmas Eve in Knoxville, Tenn.: Glynn Wilson

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