Monthly Archives: November 2021

Steve Bannon Exploited Google Ads to Monetize Extremism


By Craig Silverman and Isaac Arnsdorf – ProPublica – Almost a year ago, Google took a major step to ensure that its ubiquitous online ad network didn’t put money in the pocket of Steve Bannon, the indicted former adviser to Donald Trump. The company kicked Bannon off YouTube, which Google owns, after he called for…

Happy Holidays from the New American Journal


The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson –  WASHINGTON, D.C. – Ahh, did you have a nice break curled up on the couch watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade on NBC? Or did you spend too much time arguing with relatives about politics while stuffing your face and drinking too much? For me, it was…

On the 400th Anniversary of Thanksgiving, 1621-2021, A Toast to Winning


The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson –  WASHINGTON, D.C. – Break out the turkey and dressing and don’t forget the cranberry sauce. Get the football game up on the big flat screen HD TV, with the sound bar pumping out the crowd noise and pithy commentary. It’s officially the 400th anniversary of America’s first…

Gabby and Brian, A Tragic American Story of Love Gone Wrong


Nature Can Be a Fickle Beast – The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson – WASHINGTON, D.C. — Autumn 2021 is slipping away from us as the Earth tilts toward its winter position in the Northern Hemisphere, and the southern breezes give way to the north wind and colder temperatures in the Mid-Atlantic region. Old…

Trump Adviser Steve Bannon Indicted for Contempt of Congress for Refusing to Cooperate in the House Capitol Insurrection Investigation


By Glynn Wilson – WASHINGTON, D.C. — In the face of mounting criticism of President Joe Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland for not bringing the full weight of the U.S. Department of Justice down hard on Trump loyalists involved in a plot to mount an insurrection Jan. 6 and stop Congress from legally certifying Biden…