Trump Ordered Washington Security to ‘Stand Down’ on Jan. 6, according to Sworn Testimony

Trumpcult - Trump Ordered Washington Security to 'Stand Down' on Jan. 6, according to Sworn Testimony

The Trump cult of personality on display on the National Mall: Google

By Glynn Wilson –

As we reported back in January, 2021 — now proved with evidence in testimony from a high level aide to Donald Trump’s last chief of staff as president who was in the room – Trump ordered the entire security infrastructure of Washington and the United States Capitol building to “stand down” on Jan. 6.

As reported by The New York Times and Washington Post as breaking news on deadline of the sixth and surprise hearing of the House Select Committee investigating the Capitol attack, Trump was well aware that the crowd he incited to show up in Washington was armed and could turn violent. But he made it clear that he wanted security precautions lifted because he said his supporters were NOT there to attack HIM (emphasis added).

He demanded to march to the Capitol with his angry, armed mob of supporters conducting an insurrection he incited, even trying to grab the steering wheel of the presidential limo from a Secret Service agent to try to steer the car there when he was told it was “not safe.”

Back inside the White House, he beat the table and threw dishes, splattering ketchup on the wall, after learning that his attorney general William Barr had publicly denied his false allegations of a stolen election.

These are some of the most damning revelations from the live testimony of Cassidy Hutchinson, an aide to Trump’s White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, who testified under oath on Tuesday before the committee on live televison.

“In an extraordinary appearance at an abruptly scheduled hearing, Ms. Hutchinson painted the portrait of a temperamental and childish president who was determined to look powerful and willing to resort to physical violence against his own security detail when agents refused to allow him to join his supporters as they massed, many carrying weapons and wearing body armor, at the Capitol,” The Times reports in a live feed with live video.

Among the other revelations the committee presented on Tuesday, Hutchinson testified Trump demanded that his supporters be able to move around freely and even enter the closed Capitol building, even though they were armed, testifying that she was “in the vicinity of a conversation where I overheard the president say something to the effect of, ‘You know, I don’t f-ing care that they have weapons. They’re not here to hurt me. Take the f-ing mags away.”

Mags is short for metal detectors.

“Let my people in,” Trump shouted at the Secret Service, talking about the United States Capitol where Vice President Mike Pence was hiding from the mob that wanted to hang him. “They can march to the Capitol from here. Let the people in. Take the f-ing mags away.’”

Hutchinson testified that Meadows was worried as early as Jan. 2 that Trump’s “Stop the Steal” rally could get out of control. “Things might get, real, real bad on Jan. 6,” she said Meadows admitted to her.

She said Anthony M. Ornato, the former White House chief of operations, warned Meadows on Jan. 6 that the crowd seemed ready for violence, and had knives, guns, bear spray, body armor, spears and flagpoles. She said Meadows did not look up from his phone, but asked Ornato whether he had informed Trump. Ornato said he had.

“He almost had a lack of reaction,” Hutchinson testified of Meadows’ reaction to the mob attacking the Capitol.

Hutchinson also testified there were discussions about Trump giving another speech on Jan. 6 at the Capitol and even going into the House chamber, which would have been so unprecedented and illegal during the official vote certification that the staff and Secret Service blocked the move.

The Washington Post added:

Hutchinson testified that Trump was informed that attendees at a Jan. 6 rally near the White House were armed, wanted security removed from the area and wanted the crowd to march to the Capitol. Trump waved off concerns that the rallygoers had been reported to be armed with rifles, pistols, knives, brass knuckles and other weapons, Hutchinson said.

She said that as violence increased at the Capitol, she witnessed White House lawyer Pat Cipollone telling Meadows: “Mark, something needs to be done or people are going to die. The blood is going to be on your f — ing hands.”

I reported this as an “inside job” on Jan. 11, 2021, five days after the attack after watching much of the live footage on the web and YouTube, as others in the news media and social media called it a “conspiracy theory.” They just could not believe this was not some sort of random accident with the crowd “getting out of hand” spontaneously. They could not believe there was a plan at the highest levels of government to stop the peaceful transfer of power, by any means necessary, even by hanging Vice President Mike Pence and murdering House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Inside Job: Were the U.S. Military and Capitol Police Ordered to ‘Stand Down’ to Allow Trump’s Mob to Storm the Capitol?

The subhead:

Evidence Suggests The Insurrection on Jan. 6 was Not a Spur of the Moment Accident: It was An Attempted Overthrow of American Democracy and Almost Succeeded

Also as I reported – and there was testimony Tuesday about the plan to blame Antifa and Black Lives Matter – the cops had sided with the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers in all the previous protests, which is why Antifa and BLM were not present on Jan. 6, 2021 — because they had advance intel of this plan. This is original reporting that has not been duplicated anywhere else.

Now do you believe me? Now what will you do about it, the people?

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2 years ago

I still think this treason should be taken seriously!