Putin Gets His Way: American Democracy is Chaos

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Putin meets Trump: NAJ screen shot

Gonzo Journalism –
By Glynn Wilson –

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Man, I was all mentally prepared for a government shutdown. I was dreaming of sleeping late every morning and taking a long unpaid vacation from having to pay attention to the morons making a mockery of running the Congress of the United States.

But nooo!

House Speaker Keven McCarthy of Bakersfield, California, had to go and make a deal with those evil, socialist, commie Democrats to keep the doors open at the federal agencies for another 45 days.

What a dumbass.

So the chief Qanon pedophile from the Redneck Rivera in the Florida Panhandle could not handle it. To keep sucking up to the wannabe dictator-in-chief Trump and his Russian benefactor Putin, whose chief aim in life is to literally prove that democracy does not work, Matt Gaetz genuflected like Steve Bannon told him too and called the vote on a motion to vacate. He actually got the votes and had the speaker removed, leaving the House leaderless for the indefinite future and the threat of a government shutdown now almost inevitable just in time to crash the economy and ruin Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Talk about an attack on Christmas. There’s nothing like no money for toys under the tree to piss off Santa and Jesus.

Oh, and just in time to cancel U.S. aid to Ukraine, so Russia can win its war.

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NAJ screen shot

Thank you very much, assholes, especially Attorney General Merrick Garland, for not doing his duty to lock these traitorous sons-of-bitches up where they belong, in 4 by 6 cells and with no pillows, especially not from the Pillow Guy, who by the way should be locked up along with them.

So what does the New York Times do?

A fucking puff piece on Bannon, vaguely pointing out that he was convicted of contempt of Congress and is somehow still out of jail on bail while he prepares his appeal, for which, by the way, he has not even bothered to pay his goddamn lawyers.

What is this country coming too? You think I could get away with that shit? Could you?

Have all our brains been so rattled and disrupted by the clicks on social media that we can’t get it up for even posting a protest meme when Amazon’s Alexa starts spouting election fraud claims, based on so-called “artificial intelligence” programs, of course, taking their faked content from stolen, copyrighted text from celebrity writers.

To hear the talking heads on “Washington Week” tell it, “chaos reigns” is the watch phrase this week, calling right-wing nut jobs like Jim Jordon of Ohio — who could be the next speaker of the House — a “populist,” never bothering to call him what he really is. A fucking asshole.

I used to write for a newspaper called The Progressive Populist, so I know a little something about what it means to be a populist. Jim Jordon is no populist.

Chuck Todd, formerly of NBC’s “Meet the Press,” even called Gaetz, Jordon and Marjorie Traitor Green “nihilists,” which is just stupid. I think he watches himself on television way too much, and doesn’t even bother to read the newspapers or the wires anymore, much less books. A nihilist is someone who believes that life is meaningless and rejects all religious and moral principles.

These fuckers are devout, religious anarchists, who are so anti-government that THE POINT IS to shut it down — and make it where it can’t work anymore to do anything. I mean not even its most basic function, which conservatives used to preach as the gospel of political conservatism.

It used to be that the basic function of the federal government was to protect the borders and deliver the mail. Not anymore. The mail got privatized a long time ago.

Now, these guys say they want to fire all the IRS agents so the government can’t collect taxes.

Then, they say, let’s gut the FBI, so the government can’t investigate them for their crimes.

Is that really what the American people want? Is that what the MAGA Trump voters really want? Has anyone bothered to ask them or explain that their sons and daughters in the military will not get paid? That their poor children, grand children and aging parents may not be able to eat or get medicine?

I honestly don’t know how much more of this stupid shit we can take in this country.


House Votes To Remove McCarthy as Speaker as Dixie Caucus Creates Chaos in U.S. Government

Congress Narrowly Averts a Government Shutdown as House Democrats Help Pass Stopgap Funding Bill, Approved by the Senate

But at least the Alabama Crimson Tide managed to beat the Texas A&M Aggies 26-20 on Saturday, eh?

And the Max super channel is now running the National League baseball playoff games live, so those of us who don’t live in a place where cable TV is available or can’t afford it might get to watch the best American pass time and try to forget the disfunction in Washington, at least for a little while.

Imagine what would happen if a rogue group of anarchists and chaos monkeys were to engage in a plot to make American sports into an incompetent failure. Overnight, every stumbling, spitting drunk in the country would line up to take turns beating their asses like a paper mill turns pine trees into pulp.

Maybe that’s what rich, frat boys like Matt Gaetz need. A good, old fashioned ass whipping.

Let him show up on Tucker Carlson’s new show on X with two black eyes and a broken nose. Obviously his daddy never whipped him like he should have. No grown man should show up on the House floor and say the things this guy says, literally accusing McCarthy of being the one to cause the chaos.

“Chaos is Speaker McCarthy,” Gaetz said on the House floor.

Is there anybody even down at the Flora-Bama Roadhouse Lounge drunk out of his mind on corn whiskey who believes a word this guy says?

Or is that the new game? Whoever lies the most and the best wins? Is that what the Christians admire now? Liars and cheaters?

I think if Jesus had not risen up from that grave, he would be rolling in it today.

Would someone please lock this guy up, kick him out of Congress, or at least beat his ass?

Now back to the games and the beers. Sorry to interrupt the weekend fun.

At least if you happen to get out of your Lazy Boy recliner and out from in front of your giant, flat screen TV for a few minutes, maybe get a look at some fall color in nature. It might do you some good.

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Thayer Dodd
Thayer Dodd
1 year ago

Wow Glynn! Right on. Tom is a disabled Vietnam veteran and we are as upset and angry as you are. Keep speaking out. What’s going on in Washington and around the country and the world on all kinds of fronts is hard to watch. We spend a lot of time outdoors with plants and nature. It’s our sanity, too. Thank you.