On the MoJo Road Again, to Harrison, Arkansas, ‘The Most Racist Town in America’

Memphis EurekaSprings gmap - On the MoJo Road Again, to Harrison, Arkansas, 'The Most Racist Town in America'

From Memphis to Eureka Springs, Arkansas, through the Buffalo River National Scenic area to Harrison, allegedly the most racist place in America: NAJ screen shot

Secret Vistas –
By Glynn Wilson

Y’all are not going to believe this.

As fate would have it, and irony of ironies considering my Alabama history, we will be visiting a town this week that gained national tabloid fame in November, 2016, as “the most racist town in America.”

I kid you not.

I always grew up thinking it was Arab, Alabama.

Who knew?

Exclusive Nov. 24/25 2016: Inside the most racist town in America where “diversity is a code word for white genocide” – The Daily Mirror’s Christopher Bucktin visited the Ku Klux Klan stronghold, Harrison, Arkansas, where white supremacy has long been a way of life:

The Daily Mirror’

Their fame, or infamy, depending on your point of view, grew more with a viral video from a Michigan activist, simply filming racist reactions to his one man campaign to display a Black Lives Matter flag in town by the Walmart.


Back on the MoJo Road Again

As Willy would sing, you will be overjoyed to learn that on the way to Harrison and on the way back, I’ll finally be traveling and camping again in a beautiful Ford conversion van named Gwyneth Glyn, meaning deep river valley. We hope and trust that she will be a worthy ship, with the power to climb the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevadas. It’s the Big V8.

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A dark green 2000 Ford van, the new mobile home of the New American Journal: Glynn Wilson

This comes after major road trauma on the way from DC to Charleston, West Virginia, then a miraculous, spiritual recovery and few weeks of convalescence indoors.

And more auto mechanic work and expenses.

Oh well. She runs, and she’s packed.

Roll Tide.

On the way to and from Harrison, we will pass through the Buffalo River National Scenic area with lots of free camping, some for a fee with hookups and a shower house.

We’ll be meeting up with Rodney Govens, a Democrat running for Congress who they say has quite a following in Boone County, in spite of the reputation of the town and the county, home to the Ku Klux Klan.

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Rodney Govens, Democratic Party candidate for the U.S. House in the First District in Eastern Arkansas’ meets up with Roger McKinney, curator of the E. Boone Watson Museum: Glynn Wilson

The Democratic Party of Boone County is hosting a town hall with Govens, and it is said this could be a lively affair.

Not to mention an after party in the campground.

There will be stories, photographs and videos.

Stay tuned.

Wish us luck, by the way (going into a war zone) – so hey mom, as always, send money 🤠

PS: We are adding four new chapters and the real ending to the story Jump on the Bus, in a Third and Final Edition. The new lead chapter is already written, It’s Only Rock and Roll But I Like it. The Second Edition ends after the election of Trump in 2016, and after Alabama’s own Doug Jones was elected and sworn in as a Democrat to the U.S. Senate. One chapter will tell the story of what happened after that, through Covid and then Joe Biden’s election in 2020, saving us from four more years of Trump tweets. Then Jan. 6, 2021, when democracy came crashing down for a day.

The final chapter to be determined after Nov. 5, 2024, at some point after the election. God help us all.

PSS: The working title for the new book is, of course, shouldn’t it be obvious? Tales from the MoJo Road.

You will see what we mean – shortly.

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NAJ 2024 traffic Sept - On the MoJo Road Again, to Harrison, Arkansas, 'The Most Racist Town in America'

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