Trump Rocks the Free World, Stunning the American Establishment Again in Apparent Electoral College Win

ElectoralCollege20241a - Trump Rocks the Free World, Stunning the American Establishment Again in Apparent Electoral College Win

Electoral College Map, courtesy of NAJ screen shot

By Glynn Wilson –

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – Welcome to four more years of chaos, confusion and the fall of the American empire. Donald Trump defied the odds again and managed to convince an astounding number of people that in spite of his criminal conviction, his business and first term failures and smash-mouth rhetoric against women, immigrants and minorities that he somehow deserved another shot at running the country from inside the White House.

If he lives to be inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2025, he and his Opus Dei-Heritage Foundation cult is fully prepared this time to finish off American democracy and turn the United States of America into a theocratic, oligopolistic autocracy.

And apparently a tiny majority of “the people” here are fine with that, or don’t know any better, probably because of the fall of a factual, real news information system that has been hurtling toward chaos for years, driven by the rise of right-wing talk radio, cable TV and silliness on social media that now passes for news and “information.”

It’s been a long time since relying on the mainstream, corporate news media in this country was safe and watching the talking heads on cable television just makes matters worse, it seems, since at every turn since the news of Jan. 6, 2021 died down in the spring of that year the story line went back to what it was in 2016, when Trump’s every false and outrageous tweet was covered as normal behavior and legitimate news.

In recent months even CBS and PBS have repeated every false, racist rant as if it was legitimate political rhetoric, leaving less educated news viewers no choice really but to be swept up in the Trump narrative, or to turn off the damn TV. Even the once courageous Washington Post abandoned its principles this time, joining the last of the newspapers, including the Los Angeles Times, in cowering to Trump by failing to endorse his worthy opponent.

Vice President Kamala Harris, let’s face it, did a remarkable job of puling together a viable campaign for the Democrats in 100 days after President Joe Biden flubbed his debate with Trump due to bad preparation at Camp David in Maryland.

According to early coverage by the last great American newspaper online, The New York Times, which now may be in trouble too as a strike by tech workers nearly eroded its election night coverage, Donald Trump “rode a promise to smash the American status quo to win the presidency for a second time on Wednesday, surviving a criminal conviction, indictments, an assassin’s bullet, accusations of authoritarianism and an unprecedented switch of his opponent to complete a remarkable return to power.

“Trump’s victory caps the astonishing political comeback of a man who was charged with plotting to overturn the last election but who tapped into frustrations and fears about the economy and illegal immigration to defeat Vice President Kamala Harris,” the main election story reads. “His defiant plans to upend the country’s political system held appeal to tens of millions of voters who feared that the American dream was drifting further from reach and who turned to Trump as a battering ram against the ruling establishment and the expert class of elites.”

It took Trump and social media just eight years to destroy what was left of a belief in finding smart, educated, qualified people to run the American republic from Washington, and replace it with a white, Christian, “strong man” dictatorship mirroring the third world countries we’ve long tried to help join the developed world, only to see all efforts to regulate pollution to thwart the oncoming massive changes to Earth’s climate caused by global warming from the burning of fossil fuels for energy fail.

While Joe Biden and Kamala Harris ramped up a heroic last stand to do something about it, that battle will now be abandoned again, just like it was in Trump’s first term in office, when he walked away from science and gutted the Environmental Protection Agency, NASA and other federal government agency’s attempt to research the problem, report on it to the American people, and try to turn the clock back on all the damage to Earth’s fragile ecosystems.

“In a deeply divided nation, voters embraced Trump’s pledge to seal the southern border by almost any means, to revive the economy with 19th-century-style tariffs that would (supposedly) restore American manufacturing and to lead a retreat from international entanglements and global conflict,” the Times reports. “Now, Trump will serve as the 47th president four years after reluctantly leaving office as the 45th, the first politician since Grover Cleveland in the late 1800s to lose re-election to the White House and later mount a successful run. At the age of 78, Trump has become the oldest man ever elected president, breaking a record held by President Biden, whose mental competence Trump has savaged” on the campaign trail.

“His win ushers in an era of uncertainty for the nation,” the Times admits. “To roughly half the country, Trump’s rise portends a dark turn for American democracy, whose future will now depend on a man who has openly talked about undermining the rule of law. Trump helped inspire an assault on the Capitol in 2021, has threatened to imprison political adversaries and was denounced as a fascist by former aides. But for his supporters, Trump’s provocations became selling points rather than pitfalls.”

As of early Wednesday, the results showed Trump improving on his 2020 showing in counties all across America with only limited exceptions. Trump had secured the necessary swing states — including Georgia, North Carolina and Pennsylvania, even picking up Wisconsin, which Harris was expected to win – to guarantee him the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win the White House.

Republicans also picked up at least two Senate seats, in Ohio and West Virginia, to give the party a majority in the Senate. Control of the House of Representatives was still too close to call.

In a victory speech in West Palm Beach, Fla., Trump declared that he was the leader of “the greatest political movement of all time.”

“We overcame obstacles that nobody thought possible,” he said, adding that he would take office with an “unprecedented and powerful mandate.”

Now Trump will retire to his golf course at Mar-a-Lago in Florida, while his Vice President, J.D. Vance and his cohorts at the Heritage Foundation, prepare to take over the government in January, fully ready to implement their Project 2025, which will change the course of the U.S. forever, probably irrevocably.

God’s Plan?

For those who see a god’s plan in this outcome, remember what John warned about in Revelation. He had a vision of a beast coming out of the sea, who will come in a time when nations are in turmoil, “and the world will greatly admire him.”

Doubtless this “Beast” will be handsome, charming and clever.

“And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14). The world will say, “Our messiah has come! There is peace on Earth.”

Paul speaks of this Antichrist “who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God….For this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie” (2 Thessalonians 2:4,12).

The purpose of this second beast, Satan’s false prophet, is to cause people to worship the Beast, and honor the dragon.

He deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast…

Christ Antichrist Trump - Trump Rocks the Free World, Stunning the American Establishment Again in Apparent Electoral College Win

NAJ graphic by Glynn Wilson

He warned Christians not to be fooled or take the mark of this beast, but predicted that many would be fooled, and so they have been.

Food for Thought

Entropy graphic1a - Trump Rocks the Free World, Stunning the American Establishment Again in Apparent Electoral College Win

Entropy: NAJ screen shot

For a more scientific explanation, see the Second Law of Thermodynamics. In thermodynamics, entropy is a numerical quantity that shows that many physical processes can go in only one direction in time. For example, cream and coffee can be mixed together, but cannot be “unmixed”; a piece of wood can be burned, but cannot be “unburned”. The word ‘entropy’ has entered popular usage to refer to a lack of order or predictability, or of a gradual decline into disorder.

Mixing coffee and burning wood are “irreversible”. Irreversibility is described by a law of nature known as the second law of thermodynamics, which states that in an isolated system (a system not connected to any other system) which is undergoing change, entropy increases over time.

Entropy does not increase indefinitely, however. A body of matter and radiation eventually will reach an unchanging state, with no detectable flows, and is then said to be in a state of thermodynamic equilibrium.

If this theory is correct, and equilibrium is to be interpreted as a positive, stable state, we are not there yet.

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James Rhodes
James Rhodes
4 months ago

I am still scratching my head at how DJT so easily carried YOUNG voters, first time voters, white women, under educated white males, and almost HALF the Hispanic vote! Think one of the national assessment teams said it best (words to the effect) “Americans would rather trust a (racist) old white male as opposed to any woman of color…” But, of course Harris did herself no favors by her blanket support of the current genocide in the Middle East and the DNC’s continued suppression of Bernie Sanders!