Elon Musk Security Breach Must Be Stopped

It’s not clear who that might be now that he has the power of the presidency, complete with Supreme Court Immunity, and a guaranteed pardon for any crimes he commits with this massive breach of privacy and imminent threat to national security –

ElonMusk NaziSalute - Elon Musk Security Breach Must Be Stopped

Elon Musk, neo-Nazi Trump supporter extraordinaire: NAJ screen shot

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By Glynn Wilson –

MUSCLE SHOALS, Ala. – Well folks, it was my intent to retire from daily news and politics after the 2024 election. Even if it had gone the other way, although I would have felt much better about the future with a different outcome.

We tried to warn people about the total disaster ahead, what’s left of the watchdog press in America. I wrote about Project 2025 a year before anyone else picked up on it.

I shared the video with JD Vance in the room with the head of the Heritage Foundation when they made their big announcement in Washington, before he somehow managed to get Trump to pick him as his choice for Vice President. The bad boy of “Hillbilly Elegy” had become a card carrying member of Opus Dei, a radical, right wing-cult within the Catholic Church, advocating for the end of democracy and a return to monarchy, or theocracy on top of oligopoly, with an authoritarian dictator in charge.

Not enough people believed it could ever be as bad as we warned, or just didn’t find out about the stories because they were buried by the bots on social media, and not covered on cable TeeVee or treated as if it was normal politics as usual. Some called it “sane washing.”

Immersing myself in the history of rock and roll and the swampy Muscle Shoals sound for a book, I’ve spent the past couple of months conducting research and watching YouTube videos, listing to the music that came to be called “Southern Rock.” It’s been fun.

But when I woke up the first Monday morning in February, and saw all the stories about Elon Musk invading the Treasury Department and other agencies of the federal government, and then went to buy a few things with my Social Security money that hit the bank in the morning, it came as a shock to find out that my money was frozen in the bank. I could not use my bank card as debit or credit. When I called the bank, they claimed there was a “hold” on my account, and demanded that to get the hold lifted and access to the money, I would need to MAIL them a bunch of documents proving my identity and my “permanent” address.

Never mind that I’ve had this account for 20 years, and used it while traveling around the country in a camper van RV in New York, Pennsylvania, Montana, Utah, Arizona, Oklahoma, Maryland, Virginia, Washington, D.C., North Carolina, Tennessee, Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida, and never had a problem before.

So it became clear that what Musk was doing with his new found high level security clearance was using the data to target Trump’s “enemies list,” including journalists, you know, his “enemies of the people.” He probably already has a database on the enemies list, looking for ways to screw us. Hey, Trump promised “retribution.” This is just the beginning.

So I guess I have no choice now but to suit back up for the fight. I called every lawyer in my contact list, and ran a story on my website with all the other stories from Substack, the Washington Post and New York Times, and shared more stories including one about a pending lawsuit against Musk on Facebook.

As we used to whisper in a certain newsroom back when it was a joke: “It’s a war, and no one is safe.”

Well it’s a war now, and it’s not funny anymore.

Some of my friends have already left the country, some moving to Portugal, South America and Canada. I figured to wait it out and see what went down, mostly not watching the news, just a little morning reading online.

Well now the shoe has dropped. Musk is obviously supposed to play the role of Trump’s “tip of the spear” to gut the federal government and run off as many career employees as possible, even at the Department of Justice and F.B.I. as well as E.P.A. and the National Park Service. Musk has moved into a federal building in Washington with his team of hackers like he did in San Francisco when he first took over Twitter. They have Trump’s enemies list, and now your Social Security information too, and will stop at nothing to ruin the lives of anyone who ever said a bad word about Trump.

A simple search for “Donald Trump” on the New American Journal website reveals that we have run 1080 stories on Trump over the past 10 years, none of them flattering.

Oh, and of course Musk is deep in business and dependent on China to build his crappy cars and other parts for his other businesses, so how could someone with such a blatant conflict of interest get the security clearance to invade the Treasury Department and get anyone fired who stood in his way? Only with the tacit approval of Trump, who will no doubt share his broad immunity granted him by his Supreme Court and his pardon power to protect Musk and others from any federal criminal charges.

He is doing some of what he’s doing claiming he will help in Trump’s war against China, including a space weapons race that is already under way. How do we know he won’t also share this information with hackers in China? We don’t. He probably will.

He’s also in bed and financially dependent on Saudi Arabia. What could go wrong?

Is there anything anyone can do about it? Not clear. The only thing I can do is write about it, and hope at least some of the American people will support us in this cause to try and save democracy. It won’t be easy. It might not work. Guess we have no choice but to try.

FULL DISCLOSURE UPDATE – Sat. Feb. 8 – After freezing the account for a week and not allowing me access to my Social Security money, Friday morning the bank zeroed out the account and closed it. They claim they are sending me a check with the balance to my last address in Trussville, Ala., even though I told them I was no longer at that address and now in the vicinity of Muscle Shoals, Ala. Why would they not simply give me access to the funds? I was planning to transfer the money out anyway to another, new bank account that was federally insured and to switch my Social Security to the new account. This is no accident. Elon Musk and his team of hackers working for Trump are behind this, and attorneys have been notified as well as other news outlets. Stay tuned…

‘We must all hang together or we will all surely hang separately.’
– Ben Franklin

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Carolyn Kuhn
Carolyn Kuhn
1 month ago

What gives him the right to look at our private information that is such BS they both should be impeached 👍