41 search results for "Project 2025"

Director of Heritage Foundation’s Controversial Project 2025 Steps Down


By Glynn Wilson – The conservative Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, also inspired by the radical Catholic cult Opus Dei, could be the albatross hanging around Trump’s neck that drags him down into icy defeat come November. The ice is already cracking. Paul Dans, who directed the Heritage Foundation’s controversial 2025 Presidential Transition Project, or Project…

Biden is Running: Campaign Goes After Project 2025


By Glynn Wilson –  CATOCTIN MOUNTAINS, Md. – While hunkered down in the mountains at the presidential retreat of Camp David last week preparing president and candidate Joe Biden to “debate” Republican challenger Donald Trump, what appears in retrospect to be a bad plan that went horribly awry, some members of the Biden campaign came…

Kamala Harris Stood Up to Trump and Bested Him in the ABC Debate


By Glynn Wilson – From the first moment when Vice President Kamala Harris walked on stage in Philadelphia, approached Donald Trump and extended her hand to shake his in their first face-to-face meeting, to the last when she talked about the Biden administration’s work to fight climate change and create millions of high paying jobs,…

ELECTION 2024: Fighting to Save Democracy One More Time


The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – CATOCTIN MOUNTAINS, Md. – It’s Labor Day weekend, not Memorial Day or Veterans Day, I know. It would be great if the unions could help us save democracy in November. But I’ve spent enough time working with unions to know the rank and file are largely with…

Campaign 2024: Can Joy Beat Hate? Let’s Hope So


The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – CATOCTIN MOUNTAINS, Md. —- I heard the Marine One helicopter landing at Camp David on Friday, Aug. 16, after flying overhead right above the Owens Creek campground in Catoctin Mountain (National) Park. President Joe Biden arrived for another weekend preparing his speech for Monday night, Aug. 19,…

What Do Donald Trump and RKJ Have in Common?


Maybe Giant Egos and the Same Spray On Tan Brand? – The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – WASHINGTON, D.C. – Bobby Kennedy’s son has fallen off his rocker. I’m renaming him RKJ, instead of RFKJr. How did this happen? Did the worm really eat part of his brain? I considered doing a big…

Welcome to Botville: An Uncertain Computerized Future

Bad bots 160x120 - Welcome to Botville: An Uncertain Computerized Future

Connecting the Dots –  By Glynn Wilson – Computer hacker-programmers have been creating bots to do various things since the 1990s. Bot is short for robot, although these bots don’t look like the robots from science fiction going back to the 1950s. If you use any search engine to ask “what is a bot?” you…

Lord A-Mighty What Will Become of Us Arguing Beasts


Should Joe Stay or Go? – The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson –  Lord a-mighty this is exactly why I did not want to remain in Washington and wade into the middle of this Biden-Trump rematch. Well, that and the heat and humidity, the bureaucracy and the sheer burnout on being in one place…

What if Rat King Trump Returns to Power?


The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – WASHINGTON, D.C. — Nothing will make us healthier or happier in America when we never have to hear about or talk about Donald Trump ever again. The country and the world would be a much better place if the most corrupt politician in American history would just…

Voyager 1 Goes Dark: First Craft in Interstellar Space Loses Contact


The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson –  WASHINGTON, D.C. — Space exploration occupies some of my thoughts of late. Wonder what’s become of Voyager 1? The first of its kind space probe launched in 1977 when I was right out of high school? Is it out there somewhere past Pluto, still transmitting? This is the…