18 search results for "national park service privatization"

Privatizing National Parks Puts America’s Best Idea At Risk


By Glynn Wilson – WASHINGTON, D.C. — Nothing is more American than the iconic National Park Ranger hat. The idea of protecting nature and providing public access to natural beauty began in the United States and has spread across the world, but now it’s at risk. While the National Park Service and the U.S. Forest…

The Problem of Over Commercialization and Privatization of the National Parks


By Glynn Wilson – YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, Wyo. – The snow was coming down pretty hard October 5 when we pulled into the Old Faithful Geyser compound, grand central station in the world’s first national park. That’s where private concessionaires Delaware North and Xantara operate the Old Faithful Inn and Lodge, a general store and…

Delaware North Loses Contract in Yosemite National Park

NPS save1 160x120 - Delaware North Loses Contract in Yosemite National Park

Private Company Sues Park Service for $50 Million Claiming Ownership of Park Names, Including Yosemite – By Glynn Wilson – A private contractor running many of the operations in America’s national parks is now suing the federal government claiming it owns the intellectual property rights of famous names like Yosemite National Park, along with the…

The Future of Humanity on Planet Earth


Superorganism: Toward a New Social Contract for Our Endangered Species – Published online by Cambridge University Press – June 23, 2023 – Editor’s Note: As I’ve been writing for many years, the future of humanity on planet Earth is in jeopardy and there is no guarantee we will survive for much longer. Like many naysayers,…

Trump’s Federal Hiring Freeze Makes America Less Safe


Even Members of Congress and Trump Voters and Fans Who Visit Washington – By Glynn Wilson – WASHINGTON, D.C. — When New York celebrity businessman Donald J. Trump took office in January, one of his first acts as president was to immediately sign a symbolic memo calling for a “hiring freeze” on federal employees. The…

Setting the Record Straight on the Lewis and Clark Expedition


The Western pioneer and cowboy myth is huge, but not so much from the Native American perspective. By Glynn Wilson – Editor-in-Chief – EDITOR’S NOTE: There are two kinds of people in the world. Which kind are you? Do you like reading the pretty little patriotic myth? Or would you rather see a real journalist…

Republican Congress Moves to Privatize Public Land


By Glynn Wilson – Editor-in-Chief – We hate to say we told you so. But it is what it is. Donald J. Trump has not even been inaugurated president yet and the privatization of public land has already begun. On the very day we published a video trailer talking about the commercialization and privatization of…

Looking Back on Tumultuous Year, 2016


Connecting the Dots – By Glynn Wilson – What a year it has been. Whether you liked it and prospered or were horrified by some of the stories and events, it was a year to remember, even if many people would simply like to forget. To write a year in review column, I was looking…

Expedition of Rediscovery Western Journey Timeline


By Glynn Wilson and Walter Simon – On a mission to investigate what’s going on with the pipeline protest in Cannonball, North Dakota and the privatization of the national parks out west, we departed from Mobile, Alabama on Friday, Sept. 23, and drove for about 8 hours to Jonesboro, Arkansas, where we hooked up with…

Experiencing Wild Yellowstone Would Make the World a Better Place


Secret Vistas – By Glynn Wilson – YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, Wy. – Standing still in a mountain meadow as snowflakes begin to fall on a herd of bison along Beartooth Pass, you get the feeling of arriving in an ancient and distant land before human civilization began to eat away at nature and churn the…

My Year as a Volunteer VIP Campground Host Comes to an End


Secret Vistas – By Glynn Wilson – WASHINGTON, D.C. – My eyes and my soul are drawn to one event in nature more than any other. Autumn color. I could play the innocent and talk about this natural beauty like describing playing in mud puddles as a youth and wax eloquent about the uniqueness of…