Glynn Wilson

Take the Time to Think, Dream and be Happy

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“It’s very difficult, in geography as in morality, to understand the world without leaving your own house.” – Voltaire Sunday Reader – A Think Piece – By Glynn Wilson – KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Do you ever just take some time off to simply think? To dream? Experts in psychology say this is critical not only to…

Robert Reich: What if We Actually Taxed the Rich?


Guest Column – By Robert Reich – Income and wealth are now more concentrated at the top than at any time over the last 80 years, and our unjust tax system is a big reason why. The tax code is rigged for the rich, enabling a handful of wealthy individuals to exert undue influence over…

National Park Week Celebrates the Outdoors and American Heritage


Staff Report – The U.S. Department of the Interior announced that National Park Week – an annual weeklong celebration of America’s national parks – will run from April 17 to April 25, a time when the federal government urges the public owners of the parks to explore the vast network of sacred sites, historical landmarks…

American Bald Eagle Population Soars Back From Near Extinction


Glynn Wilson – At a time of so much bad news for humans on planet Earth and in the United States, it might be a good thing to take a moment to consider a little good news from science and nature: The conservation success story of the American bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus). Populations of the…

Don’t Get Mad as Hell: Turn Off the TV and Smell the Flowers

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The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson –  Cue up the spinning wheel of bad news. Simply turn on the TV or crank up the internet. Just as we thought the hellscape of 2020 was behind us, a mass shooting in Boulder, Colorado replaces a mass shooting in Atlanta, Georgia, which supplants a border crisis…

Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks Compared Biden’s Election to the Start of the Civil War: Now He Wants a Senate Seat?


Editor’s Note: Originally published by ProPublica. Republished here with permission under a Creative Commons license, with a few minor editorial changes to reflect his official announcement in Huntsville on Monday. By Isaac Arnsdorf Mo Brooks, the Alabama congressman who just launched a campaign for United States Senate, has officially said he condemns the Capitol riot…

Reversing Trump Policy, Biden EPA Brings Back Climate Change Science Online


By Glynn Wilson – As part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to action on climate change and restoring science to federal government agencies, the Environmental Protection Agency is taking the first step in a relaunch of its climate change website, according to a press release just out on the newly launched email list. Both the…

NASA Joins White House National Climate Task Force


By Glynn Wilson – As a leading agency observing and understanding environmental changes to planet Earth, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration announced Thursday that it officially joined the National Climate Task Force created by President Joe Biden in an executive order issued an Jan. 27, which outlined details of the task force directing all…

Videos Released: FBI Seeks Public Help in Identifying Suspects Who Assaulted Police Officers During Capitol Insurrection


Staff Report – The FBI’s Washington Field Office has released new information and videos showing suspects in the most egregious assaults on federal police officers during the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, and is seeking the public’s help to identify them (videos below). It has been two months since violent extremists breached…

Christmas Bombing in Nashville Was Not Terrorism, FBI Concludes


FBI Releases Report on Nashville Bombing – Staff Report – The Christmas bombing in Nashville, Tennessee that left devastation for blocks in a downtown entertainment district and caused millions in property damage but resulted in no deaths, was an act of individual suicide and not related to ideology or terrorism, according to an investigation by…

Penny Dreadful Showtime Series Ends With the Words of Wordsworth


Spoiler Alert By Glynn Wilson – What would we do without television entertainment and literature in the age of COVID? While I’m not a huge fan of Hollywood monster movies, it was hard to resist John Logan’s Penny Dreadful, a Showtime series now on Netflix depicting the dark side of Victorian England in the 19th…