Glynn Wilson

Maryland Attorney General Joins Multi-State Lawsuit Challenging Trump Administration for Curtailing Public Participation and Reviews Under the National Environmental Policy Act

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By Glynn Wilson – Maryland Attorney has joined a multi-state lawsuit including 27 state and municipal plaintiffs challenging the Trump administration’s final rule curtailing requirements under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) that say federal agencies must review and assess the impact of their actions on the environment. The Trump administration’s “final rule” also limits…

The Republican National Convention in Charlotte North Carolina was a Dud


On the Road Again – By Glynn Wilson – CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Everyone thought the Republican National Convention had moved from here to Jacksonville, Florida and was then canceled and moved to Washington, D.C., so no one was quite prepared for what happened Monday. We got word over the weekend that some Republican delegates were…

The Flood of Outside Money Threatens to Taint Democracy in Alabama

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“The flood of money that gushes into politics today is a pollution of democracy.” – Theodore H. White By Glynn Wilson – “Politics and money go together like whiskey and cocaine,” a Republican friend of mine used to say. “You can do one without the other, but it’s not quite the same.” I could get…

Plato’s Cave: An Allegory For Our Time


The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson –  Sitting here in the Appalachian mountains watching the sunset, thinking about our modern communications dilemma, I feel like I’m surrounded by people who are so uninformed about reality that they resemble the chained up prisoners in Plato’s cave. If you’ve never heard the story, watch the video…

Betsy DeVos Has No Plan for Safely Reopening Schools


By Robert Reich – Trump education secretary Betsy DeVos is heading the administration’s effort to force schools to reopen in the fall for in-person instruction. What’s her plan to reopen safely? She doesn’t have one. Rather than seeking additional federal funds, she’s using this pandemic to further her ploy to privatize education — threatening to…

President Trump Makes No Secret of Conspiracy to Gut Mail Voting: Senators Urge USPS to Fix Delays and Avoid Cost Increases Ahead of November Election

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By Glynn Wilson – A group of United States Senators, including Doug Jones of Alabama, is urging President Donald Trump’s recently appointed Postmaster General Louis DeJoy to provide answers regarding reports of recent changes to long-standing practices at the U.S. Postal Service, changes that would result in increased delivery times and costs for election mail,…

Mitch McConnell’s Republicans Are Destroying America

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By Robert Reich – Senate Republicans’ shameful priorities are on full display as the nation continues to grapple with an unprecedented health and economic crisis. Mitch McConnell and the GOP refuse to take up the HEROES Act, passed by the House in early May to help Americans survive the pandemic and fortify the upcoming election.…

Senator Doug Jones of Alabama Leads Call for Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to Bring the Senate Back to Work to Reach Bipartisan Deal on Coronavirus Economic Relief


By Glynn Wilson – The deadly, novel coronavirus is still spreading across the land. The number of reported deaths from COVID-19 are still going up. The economy is stalling again, and millions of Americans just exhausted their federally subsidized unemployment benefits. The House is still in session in Washington, D.C. working on a new economic…

What America Needs is Another Seabiscuit


The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson –  What America needs is another Seabiscuit. What lifted the United States out of the Great Depression in the late 1930s? Was it government spending on the Civilian Conservation Corps that hired out of work laborers to build the national parks and other government programs? Was it a…

When Life Becomes A Rerun With An Applause, Laugh Track


The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson –  It’s not clear whether the predominant view of the universe is that life imitates art, or if more people think art imitates life. There’s not been a Gallup poll on that, far as I know. Chances are it’s both anyway. But for the sake of argument on…