Glynn Wilson

Senate Votes Along Party Lines to Acquit Trump in Impeachment Trial

President Trump Meets With Steel And Aluminum Manufacturing Industry Leaders Announcing New Tariffs

By Glynn Wilson – The Republicans in the United States Senate showed just how partisan Washington has become on Wednesday by voting along strict party lines to acquit President Donald J. Trump of two articles of impeachment, abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, even though a number of Republicans had admitted publicly that Trump…

Sol Invictus: Don’t Be Blinded by the ‘Unconquered Sun’


The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson –  While we wait for the delayed results of the Iowa Caucuses, what the National Affairs Desk of Rolling Stone magazine is calling Dempocalypse Now — and the election reporting glitch caused the New York Times to shut down it’s election results system on the web — the…

The Year of the Rat King: 2020


The Big Picture -  By Glynn Wilson -  It’s hard to know what the Chinese astrologers were thinking when they came up with the Chinese zodiac, but sometimes their system creates opportunities for word games that also tend to possess political and/or social insight. Take 2020, for example, the Year of the Rat. The Rat…

Right and Truth Matter: Otherwise We Are Lost


The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson –  House prosecutors made their closing arguments in the impeachment trial of Donald J. Trump on Friday, with lead House manager and Congressman Adam Schiff of California taking to the podium in the Senate at the end of the night to make an impassioned appeal for Senators to…

House Prosecutors Hit Their Stride in Impeachment Trial

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Senator Doug Jones of Alabama Says House Managers Are Making A Compelling Case – By Glynn Wilson – The House legal team prosecuting President Donald J. Trump in the Senate impeachment trial seemed to hit its stride somewhere between the half way point of day two and into day three. They must have gotten the…

States Sue Trump Administration to Save Food Stamp Program

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By Glynn Wilson – A group of 15 attorneys general in states across the country filed a lawsuit this week to stop the Trump administration from eliminating food stamp assistance for nearly 700,000 Americans. The lawsuit challenges a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) rule that would limit states’ ability to extend benefits from the…

Science Proves That 2019 Was the Second Warmest Year on Record


Yes, the global warming is caused by human activities – By Glynn Wilson – The science is in. Yes, planet Earth is still growing hotter, and 2019 was the second hottest year since records have been kept beginning in 1880. And yes, the global warming is caused by humans burning fossil fuels for energy. There…

Can A Woman Be Elected President of the United States?


Sure, if it’s the right woman. But here in Dixie Alley, the frogs think it’s spring already – “The past is not dead. It’s not even past.” — William Faulkner, Requiem for a Nun, 1951 The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson –  CONECUH NATIONAL FOREST – In a glance at the trending news on…

U.S. Senate Unanimously Passes Conservation Bills in Bipartisan Vote


By Glynn Wilson – While the Trump administration continues to do the bidding of fossil fuel companies by proposing to gut the National Environmental Policy Act, with little fanfare and in bipartisan fashion the United States Senate unanimously passed a package of bills this week called America’s Conservation Enhancement Act (ACE) to expand federal funding…

Trump Has Done It Now


The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson –  CONECUH NATIONAL FOREST – Trump has done it now. All our worst fears about how Donald Trump’s ignorance and abuse of power could screw up the country and the world just came true with his ill-conceived decision to order a drone strike Friday at Baghdad International Airport…

States Sue to Hold Oil Companies Accountable for Costs of Climate Change


By Glynn Wilson – Maryland just joined 13 states in potentially groundbreaking legal action to hold the big oil companies accountable for their actions and products which scientists agree contribute to climate change and results in damage to the infrastructure of cities and states from rising sea levels, changes to the hydrologic cycle and increased…

Senator Doug Jones: Every Trial is a Pursuit of Truth


Will my colleagues in the Senate uphold that? – Editor’s Note: U.S. Senator Doug Jones lost his father on Saturday, Dec. 28, as he reported on Twitter: “Yesterday we lost the Jones family patriarch. My dad, Gordon Jones, died as my mom, his wife of 70 years, held his hand. He was of impeccable character,…