Glynn Wilson

Senate Democrats Push Medicaid Expansion as Midterm Elections Loom


By Glynn Wilson — WASHINGTON, D.C. — The word is coming out from Capitol Hill. While President Donald Trump and his coterie of converted Republicans push their agenda in this midterm election year, Democrats are pushing access to health care and Medicaid expansion in Washington and the states this summer as a centerpiece of their…

Federal Lawsuit Alleges Trump Violates Constitution’s Emoluments Clauses


By Glynn Wilson – WASHINGTON, D.C. – One year ago today, a historic federal lawsuit was filed against a sitting president of the United States alleging that Donald Trump’s wide-ranging business entanglements violate the U.S. Constitution emoluments clauses against accepting gifts and engaging in private financial transactions with foreign governments. The first-of-its-kind case was filed…

We Are Facing a Constitutional Crisis Now


By Robert Reich – I keep hearing that if Trump fires Mueller we’ll face a constitutional crisis. Or if Mueller subpoenas Trump to testify and Trump defies the subpoena, it’s a constitutional crisis. Or if Mueller comes up with substantial evidence that Trump is guilty of colluding with Russia or of obstructing justice but the…

Breaking Out of the Spiral of Silence


The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson – WASHINGTON, D.C. — It’s been 13 years since I first wrote a column from here. It was 2005 and I was house sitting for a close friend in Silver Spring, Maryland. The newspaper and magazine freelance business had already started to tank in the early days of…

Are We Headed for Another Civil War?


By Robert Reich – Imagine that an impeachment resolution against Trump passes the House. Trump claims it’s the work of the “deep state.” Fox News’s Sean Hannity demands every honest patriot take to the streets. Rightwing social media call for war. As insurrection spreads, Trump commands the armed forces to side with the “patriots.” Or…

Appomattox Court House: Robert E. Lee Surrenders to Grant, Ending Civil War


By Glynn Wilson – APPOMATTOX, Virg. — We didn’t make it here in time for Memorial Day, but National Park Service rangers and volunteers say nearly 500 people showed up for the playing of “Taps” and holiday weekend programs. I don’t know for sure, but considering that Confederate sympathizers seem to generate more engagement these…

U.S. Supreme Court Denies Working People Basic Legal Rights


By Glynn Wilson – Where are the howls of protest in front of the Supreme Court building in Washington? Where are the denunciations from unions and the trial lawyer associations? Where are comments from Democrats on Facebook and Twitter denouncing the U.S. Supreme Court decision on Monday gutting the rights of workers to collectively bargain…

It’s Open Season on Academic Science in the Trump Era


Staff report… Most people think university professors – especially those with tenure – are safe from political interference in their research fields. They would be wrong – especially in state universities, according to a recent story just out from Washington State. Washington’s leading expert on wolves, Professor Rob Wielgus, learned this lesson the hard way…

Kodachrome on Netflix: Author Tom Wolfe Dies at 88


The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson – So as I was watching the Jonathan Tropper film Kodachrome last night on Netflix, putting me in an unusually nostalgic mood about an obsolete type of photography film, when my email notification bleep went off and I saw that the writer Tom Wolfe died at the age…

Alabama Senator Doug Jones to Vote Against Gina Haspel for CIA Director


By Glynn Wilson – While the New York Times and other news outlets are reporting that Gina Haspel, President Trump’s nominee to head the CIA, apparently may have the votes to secure Senate confirmation even though she was directly involved in the Bush administration’s overseas torture program during the Iraq war, one Alabama senator will…

Michael Cohen was There the Day Trump Began Breaking Bad


The Big Picture -  By Glynn Wilson -  When the neo-western crime drama Breaking Bad first hit Netflix, I watched the first episode and said “no,” I don’t want to watch this. But after Donald Trump was somehow elected president of the United States and the drug cartel-related money laundering plot of the show seemed…