Glynn Wilson

Google Discontinues Panoramio for Maps: Our Photos


This is one of the first digital photographs I took in the early days of digital photography on a trip to photograph autumn color along the Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina. This was taken with a Nikon D70. I was visiting a cousin in Marion, North Carolina and caught the color line timing just…

Bipartisan Group of U.S. Senators Reach Deal to Reopen Federal Government


By Glynn Wilson – On the first full work day of a federal government shutdown caused mainly by a lack of competent leadership from the White House, a bipartisan group of Senators forged a compromise Monday morning to end the filibuster over government funding and debate pressing issues related to immigration and border security. The…

U.S. Senator Doug Jones Hits the Ground Running in Washington


By Glynn Wilson – MOBILE, Ala. — The newest member of the United States Senate, Democrat Doug Jones of Alabama, is hitting the ground running in Washington, D.C., already sponsoring more legislation than his Republican counterparts in just his first month in office. On Tuesday, Jones announced that he will co-sponsor legislation to repeal the…

A Modest Proposal: #ProtectTheTruth


By George Lakoff – America’s tweeter-in-chief plans to attack the free press next week. He desperately needs your help to succeed. You can help him by repeating his words and lies. You can help him by focusing outraged attention on his antics. Or we can work together to redirect the energy, counteract rather than react,…

Trump Drives the World to the Brink of Crazy


The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – The world has truly gone crazy now. Thank you Donald Trump. Or “Fuck You Trump,” as Alabama running back Bo Scarborough yelled as the Crimson Tide made its way through the tunnel onto the field to play the Georgia Bulldogs in college football’s National Championship game on…

Alabama Democrat Doug Jones Sworn in as U.S. Senator

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By Glynn Wilson – Birmingham attorney Doug Jones kicked off the new year by making history on Wednesday, being sworn in by Vice President Mike Pence as the first Democrat in the United States Senate from Alabama in a quarter century. He reclaimed the seat long held by his mentor, Howell Heflin, narrowing the Republican…

The Marketplace of Ideas Suffers From A Major Glitch


“And though all the winds of doctrine were let loose to play upon the earth, so Truth be in the field, we do injuriously by licensing and prohibiting to misdoubt her strength. Let her and Falsehood grapple; who ever knew Truth put to the worse in a free and open encounter?” – John Milton, Areopagitica…

Former President Barack Obama Tops Most Admired American List


By Glynn Wilson – Former President Barack Obama tops President Donald Trump as America’s “most admired man” for 2017, the 10th consecutive year Mr. Obama has received the accolade, according to public opinion polls from Gallup. The annual survey done every year save one since 1946 asks people to name their most admired man and…

Trump is Running a Criminal Enterprise Out of the White House


By Glynn Wilson – It has been clear for some time now that President Donald J. Trump is running a criminal enterprise out of the White House. Finally, a credible source said it out loud on TV. During a segment an MSNBC on Tuesday, Former Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean said President Trump is…

Doug Jones Wins Historic Senate Election Over Defiant Judge Roy Moore

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By Glynn Wilson – BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — Doug Jones and his supporters in Alabama pulled off a historic election victory Dec. 12 that sent reverberations around the political world in a reprimand to President Donald J. Trump, a repudiation of Roy Moore’s style of racist-religious politics, and a major blow to Steve Bannon of Breitbart…

One More Day: Doug Jones Opens 10 Point Lead Over Roy Moore


Don’t believe it. Go vote on Tuesday anyway. – By Glynn Wilson – MOBILE, Ala. — A new public opinion survey has Birmingham attorney Doug Jones opening up a 10 point lead over former judge Roy Moore with one day to go before the vote in the special U.S. Senate election on Tuesday, Dec. 12.…

Trump Campaigns for Roy Moore in Pensacola?


By Glynn Wilson – MOBILE, Ala. – Five days before a crucial special election for a U.S. Senate seat in Alabama, President Donald J. Trump came to Pensacola, Florida, to try to turn out the vote for accused teen sex predator and former judge Roy Moore in his race with Birmingham attorney Doug Jones. But…