Human-Induced Global Warming Impacts Are Already Being Felt by Life on Earth


By Glynn Wilson – In direct contradiction to the public position of the president of the United States, two of the federal agencies charged with monitoring the science on climate change released a joint statement and a report on Wednesday declaring unequivocally that the effects of human-induced global warming from the burning of fossil fuels…

Doomsday Clock Set at Two Minutes Before Midnight Apocalypse


By Glynn Wilson – One day before U.S. President Donald J. Trump blinked and caved into demands by Democrats in Congress to reopen the federal government with no agreement on funding for his ill-conceived border wall, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists board met in Chicago and kept the hands on the Doomsday Clock set…

Climacide — Survival Rebranding


By David Underhill – A 15-year old Swedish girl bitch-slapped the world’s representatives at the recent climate conference in Poland. She stood before them and called them frauds and fakers, while they sat in limp silence. She said they’d had their chances to do something effective about the climate crisis, and they had failed. It…

The New World Order Is Here, but Not Like You Think


By John Feffer –   Are You Ready for an Epoch Fail?Globalists Really Are Ruining Your Life You know the story: the globalists want your guns. They want your democracy. They’re hovering just beyond the horizon in those black helicopters. They control the media and Wall Street. They’ve burrowed into a deep state that stretches like…

NASA Scientists Remember Great Russian Grain Robbery of 1972


Practical Apps Are Being Developed to Tackle Ecological and Economic Disasters – By Glynn Wilson – WASHINGTON, D.C. – Before there was Russian meddling in the U.S. presidential election of 2016, before the Trump-Putin “treason summit” in Helsinki, before the end of the Cold War in 1989, the fall of the Berlin Wall and the…

It’s Open Season on Academic Science in the Trump Era


Staff report… Most people think university professors – especially those with tenure – are safe from political interference in their research fields. They would be wrong – especially in state universities, according to a recent story just out from Washington State. Washington’s leading expert on wolves, Professor Rob Wielgus, learned this lesson the hard way…

Watercress Darter Habitat Restoration Project Underway on Village Creek


By Glynn Wilson – BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — It only took 10 years after the human-caused environmental disaster, but a habitat restoration project for the endangered watercress darter along Village Creek in Roebuck Springs is finally underway and should be completed by the summer of 2018, according to an announcement just out from the non-profit Freshwater…

Climate Change Denier Scott Pruitt May Be On the Way Out at EPA


By Glynn Wilson – One of the most disheartening facts about the Trump administration’s policies to the millions of Americans who care deeply about the Earth’s natural environment is the outright war on the planet being waged by President Donald Trump and his cabinet. A couple of new stories just out demonstrate the problem, and…

New NASA Space Sensors to Address Key Earth Science Questions


By Glynn Wilson – Why is the Arctic warming faster than the rest of the planet? Does mineral dust warm or cool the atmosphere? These are actual questions just out from NASA about an ongoing research program. While the Trump administration has banished the use of the term climate change or global warming from the…

Gutting the EPA Confirms Trump’s Damning ‘Alabamafication’ of America


ANALYSIS By Glynn Wilson – President Trump needs a new slogan. Instead of declaring that he wants to “make America great again,” if he was an honest man he would say instead: “Let’s make America more like Alabama.” That’s what’s going on as his administration guts the Environmental Protection Agency. If it was possible to…

Environmental Activist Offers Solutions to Climate Change Disasters


By Glynn Wilson — WASHINGTON, D.C. — It’s hard to get any official sources in the nation’s capital to talk openly about the reality of climate change due to global warming from the burning of fossil fuels. With the climate change denier in chief in the Oval Office ordering federal agencies to wipe science information…