Eschew Obfuscation

The Logic of Destruction: How to Resist


‘We must all hang together or we will all surely hang separately.’ – Ben Franklin Guest Column – Dr. Timothy D. Snyder – Richard C. Levin Professor of History at Yale University – “What is a country? The way its people govern themselves. America exists because its people elect those who make and execute laws.…

A Story About a Man Named Dick, and Another Dick Named Trump


The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – “Listen to my story about a man named” … Not Jed, Dick. Not sure exactly why this popped into my head on Sunday morning. Maybe because I’ve been immersed in Southern music for the past few months, hanging out down the street from Nashville, Tennessee in Muscle…

I Think Critically, Therefore I Am An Outcast in Red MAGA Land


“Do not take what I say as if I were merely playing, for you see the subject of our discussion — and on what subject should even a man of slight intelligence be more serious? Namely, what kind of life should one live … the unexamined life is not worth living.” – Socrates Sunday Reader…

The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance: How Authoritarian Leaders Mutilate Reality, History and Culture


“The first thing every totalitarian regime does along with confiscation and mutilation of reality is confiscation of history and confiscation of culture.” – Azar Nafisi, author of Reading Lolita in Tehran The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – Introduction WASHINGTON, D.C. — When I first walked into the administration building of an Alabama community…

The Wizard of Id – Anti-Christ


The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson –  When French philosopher, scientist, and mathematician René Descartes first posited his theory, Cogito, ergo sum, “I think, therefore I am,” he could not have foreseen a Wizard of Id like Donald Trump taking over America and saying just because he thinks documents are declassified, therefore they are…

When Liberty is Truly Threatened, Who Will Actually Stand Up?


The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – The biggest threat to the future of humanity, democracy and the inherent rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is the muddled thinking of men. Feel free to quote me on that. For example, as I was re-reading the Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v.…

A Failure to Communicate: Where Do We Go From Here?


“Anything that gets the adrenalin moving like a 440 volt blast in a copper bathtub is good for the reflexes and keeps the veins free of cholesterol… but too many adrenaline rushes in any given time span has the same effect on the nervous system as too many electro-shock treatments are said to have on…

Going Around in Circles, Chasing Trump’s Tail


“In a closed society where everybody’s guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity.” – – Hunter S. Thompson – The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson –  WASHINGTON, D.C. – An image haunts me as I consume the news this morning, an image of…

The 2016 Presidential Election is the Democrats to Lose

Hillary Clinton

Eschew Obfuscation – By Michael Douglass – I’ve been pretty skeptical about the substantive differences between our two political parties for awhile. Having said that, I still believe the Democratic party is the lesser of two evils. So it it makes complete angry sense to me to avail myself of every opportunity to to mock,…

Factoring in Bernie Sanders as a Democrat in the Presidential Race of 2016


Eschew Obfuscation – By Michael Douglass – What I hate about Americans is our notion of what is presidential. Tall, calm and graying at the temples. Bill Clinton, Mitt Romney, Barack Obama, Ronald Reagan etc., all very presidential. The cult of political celebrity. Whatever. Bernie Sanders is not presidential but I’d like to have a…

The Trade Warp, Again?


Eschew Obfuscation – By Michael Douglass – International trade deals are always notorious in the rear view mirror of globalization. Bill Clinton’s legacy will forever be jaundiced by two things, a blow job and NAFTA. That blow job didn’t usher in the atrophy of the American middle class. So exactly why is this president deliberately…

For Friends of Bill: Baseless Racism Holds Republicans Back


Eschew Obfuscation – By Michael Douglass – Over the last 25 years Republicans have gone from disingenuous jerks to complete assholes. From occasional forays into dirty politics and smear tactics to a no holds barred enterprise of fear, hate and racism. From a tacit deployment of bigotry, to a stentorian campaign of disenfranchising minorities and…

America the Boiling Frog


Eschew Obfuscation – By Michael Douglass – I just ate macaroni and cheese out of a pull top can with a big ass spoon. Forty years ago Sarah Palin would never have been chosen as a presidential running mate. Not because she’s a woman but because she’s dumb as a goddamn stick. Forty years ago,…

Ted Cruz for President?


Eschew Obfuscation – By Michael Douglass – Rafael Edward Cruz is running for president. Boy howdy. By all accounts Ted Cruz is bright and formidable. He’s a powerful speaker. His academic accomplishments are impressive. His career trajectory just prior to politics is downright imposing. There’s a certain charisma in a Bob Dole meets Pee Wee…

Citizen Four: Ed Snowden is No Traitor


Eschew Obfuscation – By Michael Douglass – LOS ANGELES, Calif. — What’s mind blowing about the whole Snowden thing is not what huge deal it was, it’s what a huge deal it is. To my dismay I have become cynical, so it occurred to me at the time that it really sucked but I wasn’t…

One Step Forward, Two steps Back


Eschew Obfuscation – By Michael Douglass – I know this kind of deceitful seduction has been a part of American politics since our republic was born. But my mind is made up. Up until now, as cynical as I am, I bought into it. I hoped. I did. I’m guilty. But what I see now…