Guest Columns

The Logic of Destruction: How to Resist


‘We must all hang together or we will all surely hang separately.’ – Ben Franklin Guest Column – Dr. Timothy D. Snyder – Richard C. Levin Professor of History at Yale University – “What is a country? The way its people govern themselves. America exists because its people elect those who make and execute laws.…

E.B. White on Henry David Thoreau: A Slight Sound at Evening


Editor’s Note: The sun is shining on the morning of Tuesday, Dec. 31, 2024, as we get ready to pass through the vortex of a new calendar year. In our never-ending cycle of life in the Milky Way galaxy, Earth is circling around the Sun and will reach the perihelion – or Earth’s closest pass…

Deception is a Plague On People and Democracy


Guest Column – By George Zadigian – Deception. It’s been a plague on humanity ever since Eve was beguiled to take a bite from the apple. Seeded and cultivated by those determined to profit from it, deception has driven many wars and resulted in incalculable destruction, heartache and loss of human potential. President Johnson told…

The Only Patriotic Choice for President: Kamala Harris


The New York Times Editorial Board endorsed Kamala Harris as the only patriotic choice for president of the United States. The editorial board of the New American Journal concurs in that endorsement, and finds no flaw in the reasoning of this group of opinion journalists whose views are informed by expertise, research, debate and longstanding…

Doug Jones: Win This One for Joe


Guest Column – By Doug Jones – It was the spring of 1978, and I was a second year law student when we had as a guest speaker a young, first-term Senator from Delaware. To say that he made a lasting impression is an understatement. I had a feeling then what I know to be…

Steve Bannon and the Culture of Impunity


Guest Column – By Joe Conason – Among right-wing Republicans, the incarceration of Stephen K. Bannon has provoked a torrent of sputtering rage. “I stand with Steve Bannon!” was the defiant slogan barked by scores of prominent figures on the right, after a federal judge ordered the fascist media personality and adviser to former President…

A One-State Solution Offers Hope


Guest Column – By Curtis Seltzer – The butchery in Israel and Palestine creates an opportunity to find a viable peace through fairness. Imagination, leadership and boldness are required to recast the ways they exist with each other. Reverting to the antebellum “stability” of Israel’s West Bank occupation and Gaza ghettoization will produce more Palestinians…

Learning How to Deal With Anxiety by Communing With Nature


Editor’s Note: It has long been claimed by nature writers, scientists, psychologists and even the National Park Service that spending time outdoors in nature is good for human physical and mental health. My good friend Edward O. Wilson (no relation) put forward the theory of Biophilia in a book by that name in 1984. The…

Court Secrecy Undermines Trust in Google Antitrust Trial


Guest Column – By Caitlin Vogus – Freedom of the Press Foundation Before a single witness could utter a word of testimony in the Google antitrust case on Tuesday, the public and the press were temporarily barred from the courtroom. It’s just another step in a long list of anti-transparency measures styming access to the…

Revealed: The Republicans’ Three-Step Plan for Corporate Fascism


Guest Column – By Thom Hartmann – The Republican Party is increasingly clear about its goal: Make America Russia, or at least Russia’s mini-me, Hungary. They are openly embracing a modern, westernized, Christian white supremacy-based version of classic fascism. And the MAGAT Republicans have a three-step process to bring it about that they’re already putting…

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. — A Journey Through Shifting Times


Guest Column – By Valentina Francis – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy has taken a unique course, defying expectations and adapting to the changing tides of history. Once celebrated by the American Left and criticized by the reactionary Right, his legacy has undergone a fascinating transformation. On campuses across the nation, a thought-provoking shift…

Worse than Hypocrisy: Ray Dalio and the Heart of Dark Capitalism


The awful truth about hedge funds – Guest Column – By Robert Reich – Bridgewater Associates is the world’s largest hedge fund, managing roughly $125 billion of other people’s money. The New York Times recently reported that its founder, Ray Dalio, agreed to relinquish control of the firm only if it gave him what could…

Joe Biden: My Plan to Extend Medicare for Another Generation


Guest Column – By Joe Biden – WASHINGTON, D.C. — Millions of Americans work their whole life, paying into Medicare with every working day — starting with their first job, even as teenagers. Medicare is more than a government program. It’s the rock-solid guarantee that Americans have counted on to be there for them when…

A Resounding Takeaway For Democracy: Americans Reject Election Denial


Guest Column – The Brennan Center for Justice – Although we won’t know all of the results for a while, yesterday’s midterms had a resounding takeaway for our democracy: Americans reject election denial. Many election deniers in competitive races were defeated. And these races were happening in states with a diverse array of political leanings.…

A Mainstream American Republican Asks: What Have We Become?


Guest Column – By George Zadigian – While advocating for America and protesting against candidates in my own Republican Party over the last five years, it’s been interesting to witness how much people have changed. Typically, hundreds of people respond with a big thank you and thumbs-up, while a few dozen hurl demeaning names at…

True Conservatives Should Reject This Year’s Slate of Trump Republicans


Editor’s Note: The New American Journal is dedicated to publishing a diversity of ideas, and we believe the harsh partisan divide is not good for democracy. Guest Column – By George R. Zadigian – As a conservative Republican for more than 40 years, it has been disheartening to watch the unraveling of the Republican Party…

We Must Protect Our Democracy and Restore Function to the Senate


Guest Column – By U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen – Maryland Democrat – Since the attack on our Capitol the Big Lie has not died, instead, it has metastasized. To protect our democracy, we must step up & pass votings rts legislation & to do that we’ve got to amend the #filibuster. I’m speaking NOW…