Sometimes You Eat the Bear, and Sometimes the Bear Eats You


Coronavirus Originated in Wuhan Market – The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson –  WASHINGTON, D.C. — Sometimes you might see news outlets playing catchup with each other on an important story by citing another news outfit. We all feel a responsibility to provide our unique collection of readers, our audience, with certain information. Even…

When the News Gets Weird, the Conspiracy Nuts Turn Pro


“When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.” – Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1971) The Big Picture -  By Glynn Wilson -  WASHINGTON, D.C. — When the news gets weird, the conspiracy nuts turn pro. It was Twosday, 2-22-22, at 2:22 p.m., 22 hours ago according to Facebook, when…

Havana Syndrome Clearly Caused by Directed Energy Weapon


Will the American People Be Told the Truth About Who is Responsible? By Glynn Wilson –  WASHINGTON, D.C. — The mysterious Havana Syndrome, called an “alleged set of medical symptoms with unknown causes experienced mostly abroad by U.S. government officials and military personnel,” is so mainstream now that it has its own Wikipedia page. So…

Lessons from Frederick Douglass and John Brown: Lock Trump Up!


The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson –  WASHINGTON, D.C. — Let’s face facts and tell it straight, never mincing words. That’s what we do here at the NAJ, which is why we have a loyal following — and also why we have detractors and even outright enemies who would at the very least put…

The Big Picture: On Winners and Losers


“Winners and losers, which one will you be today?” — Social Distortion Winners and Losers Video The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson –  WASHINGTON, D.C. — The California punk rock band Social Distortion summed it up in this song by Michael Ness. “We’re all good and evil … there’s cowards and heroes … lovers…

The Big Picture: Who Do You Trust for News?

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The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson –  WASHINGTON, D.C. — If our democracy is so under threat, Covid is still surging, workers and the economy are still suffering, climate change due to global warming is all around us and we’re about to be at war with Russia, why are these talking heads on TeeVee…

We Must Protect Our Democracy and Restore Function to the Senate


Guest Column – By U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen – Maryland Democrat – Since the attack on our Capitol the Big Lie has not died, instead, it has metastasized. To protect our democracy, we must step up & pass votings rts legislation & to do that we’ve got to amend the #filibuster. I’m speaking NOW…

The Fundamental Lesson from Martin Luther King, Jr.


The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson –  WASHINGTON, D.C. — I’ve got to write this fast. So listen up. A massive winter storm named Izzy is on the way from the west, or really swirling in from the southwest. When did they start naming winter storms like hurricanes? Anyway it will hit this afternoon…

Sunday Reader and Photo Essay: What If Wildlife Could Vote?


The Big Picture -  By Glynn Wilson -  WASHINGTON, D.C. – What if the wildlife could vote? I don’t know if the white-tailed deer would be Republicans, Democrats or independents. Would the bucks be conservatives and the does and fawns liberals? Would the male and female Northern cardinals argue about whether the federal government should…

Photo Essay: Snow Shots in the First Blizzard of 2022


The Big Picture -  By Glynn Wilson -  WASHINGTON, D.C. – We are not going to let a few inches of snow prevent the mission from going forward to “preserve unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the National Park System for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations.” A…

Trapped in Washington, Snowed In Turns to Iced In


The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson –  WASHINGTON, D.C. – The pictures of a snow covered landscape look pretty and peaceful on Facebook (see more pictures below). But when a massive winter storm dumped 6-12 inches of wet, heavy snow all along the Eastern Seaboard on Monday, and the mercury dipped into the teens…

The MoJo Road Less Traveled: Another Revolution Around the Sun

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The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson –  WASHINGTON, D.C. – Well — a “deep subject” haha — on this first day of 2022, the good news is we made it on another revolution ride around the Sun. The million dollar question now is: What less traveled MoJo road stretches out ahead in this journey…