Take the Time to Think, Dream and be Happy

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“It’s very difficult, in geography as in morality, to understand the world without leaving your own house.” – Voltaire Sunday Reader – A Think Piece – By Glynn Wilson – KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Do you ever just take some time off to simply think? To dream? Experts in psychology say this is critical not only to…

Robert Reich: What if We Actually Taxed the Rich?


Guest Column – By Robert Reich – Income and wealth are now more concentrated at the top than at any time over the last 80 years, and our unjust tax system is a big reason why. The tax code is rigged for the rich, enabling a handful of wealthy individuals to exert undue influence over…

Don’t Get Mad as Hell: Turn Off the TV and Smell the Flowers

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The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson –  Cue up the spinning wheel of bad news. Simply turn on the TV or crank up the internet. Just as we thought the hellscape of 2020 was behind us, a mass shooting in Boulder, Colorado replaces a mass shooting in Atlanta, Georgia, which supplants a border crisis…

Two Independent Thinking News Writers Pass On in Knoxville


Editor’s Note: This news comes with no personal regrets, since I didn’t know either of the deceased. But I knew Jack Neely some when writing for Metro Pulse myself, one of the most interesting alternative weeklies in the country in print and online in the late 20th century. It’s a sad day when anyone dies,…

Wake Up: National Public Sleeping Day is No Excuse for Not Reading This


Sunday Reader –  By Glynn Wilson – KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — The east-facing window in this humble abode was enshrouded in fog the first thing Sunday morning, not the famous smoke you sometimes see in the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee and North Carolina. Since it’s National Public Sleeping Day and the weather was not conducive to…

The Return of Prometheus and Frankenstein in Film


Hold Fast Reader Dear How to hold you reader dear: Regale you with comforting stories of barefoot summer mud puddles past? Excite you with salacious tales of sex scandals and conspiracies holding you aghast? Bore you with straight prose and fifth grade level blurbs of fair and balanced contrast? Or write the flame out of…

All the World’s a Stage: Trump’s Impeachment Trial a Bad Show


All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages. At first the infant, Mewling and puking in the nurse’s arms; And then the whining school-boy, with his satchel And shining…

The Year of the Rat is Over: Welcome the Year of the Ox


The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson –  Well, the Year of the Rat is over, and the Year of the Ox is here, as of Feb. 12, 2021, the Chinese lunar New Year’s Day. In America, the Rat King Donald Trump has been dethroned, but not banned from running for public office again, and…

What We’ve Got Here is a Failure to Communicate


The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson –  So I’m sipping the second cup of coffee Tuesday morning, watching the sun come up over the Smokies, scouring the web looking for an expert to quote, when it finally dawns on me like an epiphany: I must be the nation’s top expert on the press and…

God Save the United States of America from Racist Ignorance

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Guest Column – By James Rhodes – It is evident that some news readers are confused and baffled by the actions of many Republicans in the U.S. House and Senate, as their policy positions do not line-up with long standing Republican principles. I resided in Alabama when being a Republican was not only rare, but…

A Failure to Communicate: Where Do We Go From Here?


“Anything that gets the adrenalin moving like a 440 volt blast in a copper bathtub is good for the reflexes and keeps the veins free of cholesterol… but too many adrenaline rushes in any given time span has the same effect on the nervous system as too many electro-shock treatments are said to have on…

The Frozen Fog of War and the End of the Golden Shower Presidency


The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson –  The news has been churning for a solid a week and a half since 8,000 marauding militiamen and bleary-eyed neo-Nazi thugs marched from the National Mall to the Capitol steps and somehow, with a little help from Republicans and their racist friends in the Capitol Police, actually…