Science can help us make sense of the president’s seeming political invincibility – Mind In The Machine – Bobby Azarian Ph.D. – Whether we want to or not, we must try to understand the Donald Trump phenomenon, as it has completely swept the nation and also fiercely divided it. What is most baffling about it…
Trump Must Go #TrumpMustResignNow
The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – It’s unclear if impeaching the mother fucker is the right way to go at the moment for Democrats in the House. But somehow, someway, Trump must go. Share this: #TrumpMustResignNow The damage he has already done to the country and American democracy is so great that we…
The Year of the Dog 2018: Year in Review
The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – It has truly been the Year of the Dog, according to the Chinese Zodiac calendar, a year characterized by “Action,” especially if you are a Twitter follower. You may be suffering from an overdose of adrenaline and dopamine. You might want to take a break during the…
Standing on the Precipice of History and the Future: Here’s What I See
The True Meaning of Christmas
The Case for Arresting the President, Ending This Bad Trump Reality Show
Trump is a Crook: Lock Him Up
Donald J. Trump and Vladimir Putin at Russia-U.S. Summit in Helsinki, Finland, July 16, 2018: Shutterstock By Glynn Wilson – Let’s be clear. Donald J. Trump is a traitor and a crook. He should be indicted, arrested and removed from the White House immediately. Trump is clearly guilty of criminal conduct for colluding with Russia…
A Life of Blessings and Curses
How Did We End Up With Trump? Facebook Fucked Up
So too did the press, the media, the intelligence community and Democrats – The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – Facebook fucked up. So too did the entire traditional press and broadcast news media in America. So did the CIA, the NSA and the FBI. Democrats screwed up too. The Republicans and the Russians just…
Democrats Take the House, Trump Wins Everything Else
Attorney General Jeff Sessions Forced to Resign – ELECTION ANALYSIS – By Glynn Wilson – True to form, the first King of America preempted all television programming the day after the midterm elections to make sure everyone’s attention was focused on him, the greatest narcissist whoever lived. Donald Trump could not wait a day for…
Pouring Syrup on the News Doesn’t Make it More or Less True
Holding Our Breath to See if We Have a Democracy After Nov. 6
Climbing Mountains For Inspiration: What’s Wrong With This Picture
The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – MOUNT MITCHELL, N.C. — Literary history is filled with stories about motivated people climbing up mountains for inspiration. Moses supposedly hiked up Mount Sinai and came back with the Ten Commandments. George Mallory told the New York Times in 1923 that he climbed Mount Everest “because it’s…
Can We Please Stop Refighting the Civil War?
The Unites States of America Won: The Confederates Lost – The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – WASHINGTON, D.C. – So it appears we will end this trip about where we started it, talking about the damn Civil War, one more freaking time. Historians say history runs in cycles and often repeats itself. I…
Good Looking White Female Scientist Charges Sexual Assault Against Climate Change Denier Donald Trump
ANALYSIS – By Glynn Wilson – Satire Meets Academic Research – WASHINGTON, D.C. – It was cold and pouring down rain on that day in 1989 or 1990 in Mobile, Alabama, when I wrote my first news story about the greenhouse effect, a phenomenon where carbon dioxide, methane gas, nitrous oxide and chlorofluorocarbons combine with…
Trump’s Russian Love Child Held Hostage by Putin
Occam’s Hostage: Seeking Simple Clarity Amid Trump’s Turmoil – Satire- By David Underhill – MOBILE, Ala. – The Night Wolves patrol the perimeter of the school playground in a provincial Russian town beyond the Urals. This biker club has units scattered across the country and some abroad. Most are in larger cities. The Wolves don’t…
What Now? Vote Like You’ve Never Voted Before
The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – WASHINGTON, D.C. – “So now what?” asks the New York Times editorial board in an unsigned editorial under the headline: The High Court Brought Low: Don’t let Donald Trump and Brett Kavanaugh have the last word about American justice. “Having first sickened the White House and then…
To the Editor: Open Letter to Senator Jeff Flake
Dear Senator Flake: You would be doing your county, as well as your party, proud if you were to vote no on Kavanaugh on Friday. Consider the source of the appointment — a liar full of bluster appointing another liar full of bluster. Then, consider the near treasonous activities of Mitch McConnell, leaving the Court…
It’s Time to Change the Culture of the American Way
Waxing Poetic on the Great Barrier Reef Prophecy
By David Underhill — MOBILE, Ala. — Unlike the thousands who marched in San Francisco’s Rise for Climate, Jobs & Justice last Saturday, it was a minor triumph for Mobile to have a rally at all in a downtown square. Ten feet above ground blue ribbons circled pillars of the bandstand where speakers stood. I…