How Wrestle­ Mania Trumped Intelligence in U.S. Politics


“The day I realized it can be smart to be shallow was, for me, a deep experience.” – Donald J. Trump – The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – So the news broke with the usual urgency late on a Friday that U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired Andrew McCabe of the FBI, prompting…

Execution Comix: Trump Stars in Own Drug Death Drama


By David Underhill – When Roman emperors knew they were finished, the courageous ones would fall on their own swords. Infirm and unable to defend themselves against their rivals. Or about to lose in a palace coup or civil war. Or having done something so disgraceful their reputation could never recover. Rather than submit to…

Thinking About An Honest Life by the Singing River in Muscle Shoals


By Glynn Wilson – MUSCLE SHOALS, Ala. — Sitting beside the Tennessee River in McFarland Park by the Florence Visitor’s Center after spending a few days in the quad city area often just called “the shoals,” I cannot help but think about what might have been. What if I had stuck with the music business…

We Can All Learn From the Russian Indictments and Tactics


The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson – BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — If special counsel Robert Mueller can issue 14 indictments against Russians who conspired to mess with an election in the United States who he will never actually be able to drag into court and jail, why can’t he indict the top man who obviously…

To Build A Wall


By Rowland Scherman – Mr. Trump has tried very hard to implement his campaign promises, the tax cut for the richest, the dismantling of Obamacare and many others. His idea to build a wall is his plan to protect national security. “Good fences make good neighbors.” Most people, it seems, choose to regard those words…

Trump’s 20 Big Broken Promises


To Trump Voters: One Year in, and he’s broken 20 big promises he made to you – By Robert Reich – 1. He told you he’d cut your taxes, and that the super-rich like him would pay more. You bought it. But his new tax law does the opposite. By 2027, according to the nonpartisan…

Floating on Polluted Waters in a Sinking Ship


By Glynn Wilson – MOBILE, Ala. — We are floating on polluted waters in a sinking ship. We might as well look at the U.S.S. United States of America as The Titanic. Remember, it was the ship that was not supposed to sink. When it became obvious that it hit an iceberg and was going…

The Next Big Fight in Congress: Entitlement Reform?


By Robert Reich – Fresh off passing massive tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy, Trump and congressional Republicans want to use the deficit they’ve created to justify huge cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. As House Speaker Paul Ryan says “We’re going to have to get… at entitlement reform, which is how you…

Trump’s America: Open to Global Capital, Not People


By Robert Reich – Trump to global CEOs and financiers in Davos, Switzerland: “America is open for business.” We’re now a great place for you to make money. We’ve slashed taxes and regulations so you can make a bundle here. Trump to ambitious young immigrants around the world, including those brought here as children: America…

Resurrect the Slave Ship Clotilda, Save Africatown and Rectify History


By David Underhill – MOBILE, Ala. – Maybe it once made sense to allow the police to put bad dudes out of business by seizing their stuff. “Civil forfeiture” gave cops an OK to snatch dope dealers’ cash, vehicles and other assets without having to wait for trials and convictions. But these seizures became so…

A Modest Proposal: #ProtectTheTruth


By George Lakoff – America’s tweeter-in-chief plans to attack the free press next week. He desperately needs your help to succeed. You can help him by repeating his words and lies. You can help him by focusing outraged attention on his antics. Or we can work together to redirect the energy, counteract rather than react,…

Trump Drives the World to the Brink of Crazy


The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – The world has truly gone crazy now. Thank you Donald Trump. Or “Fuck You Trump,” as Alabama running back Bo Scarborough yelled as the Crimson Tide made its way through the tunnel onto the field to play the Georgia Bulldogs in college football’s National Championship game on…

The Marketplace of Ideas Suffers From A Major Glitch


“And though all the winds of doctrine were let loose to play upon the earth, so Truth be in the field, we do injuriously by licensing and prohibiting to misdoubt her strength. Let her and Falsehood grapple; who ever knew Truth put to the worse in a free and open encounter?” – John Milton, Areopagitica…

When It Was Done Right: Justice Hugo Black, Religion and Alabama

justice hugo black 160x120 - When It Was Done Right: Justice Hugo Black, Religion and Alabama

By Roger Newman – Exclusive to the New American Journal – “Alabama has a history of great senators,” said the greatest of them all. Not even Lister Hill’s exceptional accomplishments in expanding hospital care, medical research, libraries and education, or John J. Sparkman’s in housing and establishing rocketry in the state, could compare to those…

A Message for Friends in Alabama From Rowland Scherman


Vote for Doug JonesLetter to the Editor By Rowland Scherman – CAPE COD, Ma. — Somehow, strangely enough, the fate of the entire planet Earth has boiled down to whether the people of the beautiful state of Alabama will vote for a legitimate senate candidate, or a candidate chosen by the most dangerous United States…

A Sunday School Lesson From Hugo Black to Judge Roy Moore


The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – MOBILE, Ala. — Judge Roy Moore is right about one thing. “The world is watching,” he said the other night in church near here. So now that we have your attention, world, there are a few things that need to be said. Everybody in Alabama is not…