The Big Picture

Anticipating the Outcome of the Mueller Investigation and Report


The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson – MOBILE, Ala. — It’s the last day of winter on Wednesday, March 20, and the blue sky is finally visible here after months of foggy, rainy weather and overcast skies. Mobile has taken over from Seattle, Washington and Portland, Oregon as the rainiest city in America. I’m…

Should the President be Added to the Terrorism Watch List?


The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson – Is it time, or past time, to add the president of the United States to the terrorism watch list? According to an op-ed posted on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Hate Watch website: The atrocity in New Zealand shows us, once again, that we’re dealing with an…

The Cautionary Tale of Donald Watkins and the Icarus Complex


The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson –  While the bloggers in Birmingham think they are having a field day on Twitter by making fun of Donald Watkins, the lawyer and businessman convicted for defrauding investors in federal court this week, it seems more like a cautionary tale of a favorite son who got greedy…

Former FBI Director Andrew McCabe Makes the Case that Trump is ‘The Threat’


SUNDAY READER – By Glynn Wilson – Another Sunday morning, another disjointed show on Face the Nation, with moderator and CBS News senior foreign affairs correspondent Margaret Brennan misframing the issues in the never ending pretense of mainstream media to be “fair and balanced” and appeal to Democrat and Republican viewers and please corporate advertisers.…

Fake News Clickbait Strikes Again: Everybody Falls for It


The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson –  So much for hope that the mainstream media and the Democrats are going to save us from Trump. They have been Zucked again. As I was working on my weekly column on Super Bowl Sunday, I knew something was not quite right with the world. It’s a…

Russia Takes America Without Firing a Shot


From inside the White House – The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – “We will take America without firing a shot….” It’s almost too bad that there’s no truth to the long-held rumor that Soviet First Secretary Nikita Khrushchev used some form of this quote while addressing Western ambassadors at a reception at the…

Trump Shutdown Poses Real National Security Threat


Experts say the nation’s cybersecurity could be deeply impacted with federal government workers on furlough and private contractors going without pay. SUNDAY READER – By Glynn Wilson — Celebrity President Donald J. Trump the propaganda master and magician is using his slight of hand again to command all the attention of the national news media…

Trump Must Go #TrumpMustResignNow


The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson – It’s unclear if impeaching the mother fucker is the right way to go at the moment for Democrats in the House. But somehow, someway, Trump must go. Share this: #TrumpMustResignNow The damage he has already done to the country and American democracy is so great that we…

The Year of the Dog 2018: Year in Review


The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson –  It has truly been the Year of the Dog, according to the Chinese Zodiac calendar, a year characterized by “Action,” especially if you are a Twitter follower. You may be suffering from an overdose of adrenaline and dopamine. You might want to take a break during the…

The True Meaning of Christmas

Holiday Cup 2016 resized 160x120 - The True Meaning of Christmas

The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson –  If only the Arab King of the Jews who was never really a king, Herod Antipas, had built a border wall around Jerusalem with the help of the Romans, we might not be celebrating Christmas at all. What a different, glorious world it would be. If only…

Trump is a Crook: Lock Him Up

Russia US Summit in Helsinki, Finland - 16 Jul 2018

Donald J. Trump and Vladimir Putin at Russia-U.S. Summit in Helsinki, Finland, July 16, 2018: Shutterstock By Glynn Wilson –  Let’s be clear. Donald J. Trump is a traitor and a crook. He should be indicted, arrested and removed from the White House immediately. Trump is clearly guilty of criminal conduct for colluding with Russia…

A Life of Blessings and Curses


The Big Picture -  By Glynn Wilson -  Here’s the blessing and the curse of writing a memoir: It requires reliving your life all over again, at least in your head. Sometimes this can be great fun, at least when you are recounting an enjoyable experience and time in your life. Sometimes it can be…

How Did We End Up With Trump? Facebook Fucked Up


So too did the press, the media, the intelligence community and Democrats – The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson – Facebook fucked up. So too did the entire traditional press and broadcast news media in America. So did the CIA, the NSA and the FBI. Democrats screwed up too. The Republicans and the Russians just…

Democrats Take the House, Trump Wins Everything Else


Attorney General Jeff Sessions Forced to Resign – ELECTION ANALYSIS – By Glynn Wilson –  True to form, the first King of America preempted all television programming the day after the midterm elections to make sure everyone’s attention was focused on him, the greatest narcissist whoever lived. Donald Trump could not wait a day for…

Pouring Syrup on the News Doesn’t Make it More or Less True


But just maybe it could get more people to swallow the medicine – The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson –  ALABAMA – What do you get when you crush sugar cane and boil the juice? Molasses, of course. The thick, brown syrup still used in the American South for baking pies, cookies and other…