The Big Picture

The Final Breach of Judge Roy Moore is At Hand


Video Link The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – MOBILE, Ala. — Now that we have made “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” I think it is incumbent upon me to add a few editorial comments as material for future shows. First of all let me say for the record that I personally have…

Politics Makes Strange Bedfellows, but Jesus. Not this.


The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – MOBILE, Ala. — They say politics makes strange bedfellows. But somehow I don’t think they meant a 32-year-old assistant district attorney fondling a 14-year-old girl in nothing but his tighty-whities. Discredited judge Roy Moore emerged from his seclusion this week and tried to blame former President Barack…

Can Education Successfully Counter Football and Celebrity Culture?


The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — After spending the past five months living and working in the nation’s capital, and the better part of the past four years in Washington, Maryland and Virginia, I took a break on Saturday to get an up close look at football Saturday in the…

Is it Time to Invoke the 25th Amendment and Remove Trump from Office?


The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – WASHINGTON, D.C. — It started as a trial balloon not long after the election. There were whispers and a few half-baked news stories citing the 25th Amendment to the United States Constitution, adopted to fix presidential succession weaknesses in 1967, as a way to get rid of…

Learning the Lesson of the Birmingham Church Bombing

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The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Sunday, September 15, 1963, when the bomb went off in the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in downtown Birmingham, I was only five-years-old about to turn six in October. My family lived just 15 miles northeast of the church in the suburbs, but oddly,…

Republican Leadership Tainted by Dirty Russian Money


The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – WASHINGTON, D.C. – We need a new term to describe Donald Trump’s leadership style, modeled on his idol Vladimir Putin of Russia. People in the United States probably still think of Russia as a Socialist-Communist country. But it’s not. Not since the breakup of the Soviet Union…

Thoreau’s Realometer: Sessions is a Goner — Trump Should Go Too


“Be it life or death, we crave only reality.” — Henry David Thoreau, Walden The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – WASHINGTON, D.C. — Oh how things have changed since Henry David Thoreau’s 1854, when he first published Walden. How things have changed since 1896, when Adolph Ochs purchased and began transforming the New…

Attorney General Jeff Sessions Lies Better Than Trump


The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – WASHINGTON, D.C. — What happens when you have a United States Attorney General who is just as much of a liar as the president, only one who has been in Washington much longer and understands the practice of dissembling in answering questions and claiming a faulty memory?…

Trump is Making America Stoned and Drunk Again


The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – WASHINGTON, D.C. — While it may seem easy to be lulled into a spring stupor with the fine cool weather in Virginia, Maryland and Washington, it is hard to avoid going into shock with all the strange news coming out of the Trump administration. Around here they…

The Sharks Are Circling Around Trump: #LockHimUp


The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – MOBILE, Ala. — The political intrigue surrounding President Donald J. Trump and his fascination with Russia’s dictator Vladimir Putin and Russian money hit a new benchmark on Tuesday when the president announced the firing of F.B.I. director James B. Comey. The comparisons to President Richard M. Nixon’s…

Alien Archeologists Find Dead Humans Staring at Selfies


The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – CAMP DAVID, Ala. — Let me paint a picture for you of where we are this Sunday morning, on day 108 of the Tragic Era of Trump. We were sitting around last night on the back yard deck waiting on the chicken thighs to cook (no we…

One Hundred Days and More of Trump Grief


The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – Not since George W. Bush’s 100 day losing war with Iraq based on bad intel has America suffered such days of grief as the first 100 days of Donald Trump’s presidency. For those who are too young to remember or who somehow rode out the Bush years…

How We Are Going to Fund the New Free Press


The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – Do you wake up in the morning, make the coffee, crank up your computer and look at your Facebook news feed and ever feel confused about what’s really going on in the world? Don’t feel bad. You are not alone. Rapid changes in technology over the past…

Attorney General Jeff Sessions Exposed as a Partisan Hatchet Man


The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – MOBILE, Ala. — Partisan political prosecutions have a long history in the system of jurisprudence in the United States, in spite of what judges, lawyers and politicians want the public to believe. Republicans and Democrats have been guilty of it. Although over the past couple of decades,…

Thanks Jeff Sessions: Alabama is a National Joke Again


Joe Reed and the Democrats are no better: It’s time for an independent third party to emerge. The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – Little Jeffry Beauregard Sessions of Alabama has made the big time. No, it’s not just because a Republican majority in the U.S. Senate held their noses and confirmed him as…

The Watchdog Press Must Expose the Liar-in-Chief


The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – Since television celebrity businessman Donald J. Trump shocked the world and became president of the United States, the news has become so dissonant it’s hard to find a place to enter the conversation with facts that matter. This is especially true since it doesn’t seem to matter…