The Big Picture

The Problem With Washington, D.C.


The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – WASHINGTON, D.C. – The world is populated by many very good people. Then there are the assholes, who simply do not get it. When I set out on this adventure back in September to live with a very low carbon footprint in a camper van in the…

Today Feels Like ‘The Day After Tomorrow’


Could a Massive Climate Shift Really Happen? – The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – LURAY, Va. — It’s been so cold the past couple of days that I’ve felt like a character in the movie “The Day After Tomorrow.” I woke up just before dawn this morning and the iPhone weather said it…

Maryland Voters Elect Far Right Dixie Loving Republican to Office


By Glynn Wilson – WASHINGTON, D.C. – If you are an educated liberal, an urban progressive Democrat or just an independent American voter looking for candidates to make government work better in the U.S., you are probably severely disappointed at the outcome of the election on November 4, 2014, concerned about the next two years…

The Jefferson Memorial and Legacy at Monticello in Autumn


Thomas Jefferson As A Tactful Tactician – The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – MONTICELLO, Va. – In the introduction to one of the versions of The Writings of Thomas Jefferson available online at Project Gutenberg, former West Virginia Governor George W. Atkinson describes Jefferson as the quintessential tactful political tactician and statesman. “Thomas…

A Web Published Talk on Electronic Publishing in 2000


Speech predicts the death of print newspapers, delivered at the turn of the century Writing Today conference at Birmingham Southern College, Saturday April 30, 2000. I am planning to say something more on this subject soon. This is a link for background in advance. You can read the talk, since it was published then on…

Ten Years After: Goofy Shit Sells


The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – How was I to know 10 years ago that we would end up where we are now? I was living in Alexandria, Virginia working for States News Service and free-lancing as a reporter for the likes of Time magazine covering stories related to the Abu Ghraib torture…

Rumors of My Mother’s Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated


The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – Rumors of my mother’s demise have been greatly exaggerated. But not without causing great harm. She’s not Mark Twain. Every time someone loads up their guns and goes on a shooting rampage in an office building, a school or a church, national broadcast news anchors like Brian…

The Ten Most Corrupt State Governments in the United States


Alabama is No. 10 and Louisiana is Not Listed At All? – The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – A new online celebrity tabloid is getting traffic from Facebook and Twitter for a story making the rounds claiming to rank the 10 most corrupt state governments in the United States based on “a national…

Watching a Brain and a Country Unravel is a Terrible Thing


The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – Watching a brain unravel is a terrible thing. So is watching a state and a country go down the drain, along with the ideals that created it. It is torture not only for the person who experiences the onset of dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease but also the…

On Baptists and the Separation of Church and State


The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – Let me humbly apologize in advance to my fans all over the state, the country and the world for what I’m about to say, although I suppose there is a timeless message here for those who have an ear and can hear. There is a little reunion…

Reflections in the Snow From the Nation’s Capital


The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – TACOMA PARK, Md. — Camped out in the media van surrounded by a foot of snow, there’s finally time and space in the schedule to reflect a little on the events of the past week and look ahead for a few minutes at the future. The plan…