
Fox News Talking Head Sean Hannity Is Donald Trump’s Puppeteer


By Peter Funt – November’s biggest loser might not be Donald Trump — even if he gets clobbered at the polls. The person with the most to lose is Sean Hannity, the Fox News Channel host from Alabama, who isn’t just hitching his wagon to Trump’s campaign, he’s almost single-handily building the wagon on his…

Demonstrations Planned Against Offshore Oil Leases in New Orleans

New Orleans oil protest1c 160x120 - Demonstrations Planned Against Offshore Oil Leases in New Orleans

EDITOR’S NOTE – For info about a free roundtrip bus on Saturday from Mobile to this demonstration go to the Facebook event page for Gulf Coast Interdependence Day. You can sign up as a volunteer and RSVP to attend and find out details about the bus and other matters. The free bus will leave from…

Donald Trump has Crossed the Line of Decency


A Conservative View – By Christine Flowers – I’m morbidly fascinated by the rhetorical mud being slung between Democrats and Republicans these days. How exhilarating to hear Hillary Clinton labeled “unstable” by Donald Trump, who is himself called “bat(bleep)-crazy” by a fellow billionaire and Hillaryite, Mark Cuban. This week, though, I actually do need to…

Handicapping the U.S. Presidential Election


By Glynn Wilson – Voting day for the presidential election of 2016 is less than three months down the road now, Tuesday, November 8, and there’s still no clear front runner. People have their opinions, but to what source should people pay attention in such matters? I was just out in the yard talking to…

There’s No Walking Back Trump’s Second Amendment Comments


By John L. Micek – Donald Trump knew what he was doing Tuesday afternoon. Make no mistake. “Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish, the Second Amendment,” a smiling Trump said of Democratic rival Hillary Clinton during a rally in Wilmington, N.C. “By the way, and if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can…

The Real Threat to American Sovereignty


By Robert Reich – “Without a border, we just don’t have a country,“ Donald Trump says repeatedly. For him, the biggest threats to American sovereignty are three-dimensional items that cross our borders, such as unwanted imports and undocumented immigrants. He’s wrong. The biggest threats to American sovereignty are invisible digital dollars wired into U.S. election…

What’s at Stake in the August Special Session?


By Hank Sanders – MONTGOMERY, Ala. — What will this looming special legislative session bring? Will it bring fiscal solutions for Medicaid? Will it bring solutions for the hemorrhaging General Fund? Will it bring expansion of Medicaid? Will it bring long lurking gambling efforts to a head? Will it bring better or worse public education?…

Trump’s Tanking Numbers Begin to Hurt Other Republican Candidates


By John L. Micek – There are two sets of numbers, both related and intertwined, that should keep Republican Senator Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania awake at night. The first one: 49-38 percent. That’s Democrat Hillary Clinton’s current advantage over Donald Trump among likely voters in Pennsylvania in a new Franklin-Marshall College poll. The second one:…

The Media Created Trump: Will the Anti-Trump Media Onslaught Bury Him?


By Carl Golden – Renowned 20th Century philosopher Dennis Rodman, he of professional basketball, tattoo and body piercing fame, once responded to a reporter’s question about whether he was bothered by the critical news coverage of him by saying: “The only bad press is an obit.” Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, it seems, has bought…

A Thousand Words is Worth More Than a Meme


The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – Isn’t it about time someone did a take down on the Internet meme? If we truly want to change people’s attitudes and create a more just world, what the world needs is scientifically objective journalism, not more partisan viruses of the mind being spread in all the…

The Democrats Win the Summer


The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – The Democratic National Convention was a HUGE success, to borrow a term from Bernie Sanders. Compared to Trump’s D-list convention, the show in Philedelphia was a star studded Hollywood affair complete with fireworks, red, white and blue balloons with stars on them, and with Sanders himself placing…

Bernie Sanders Nominates Hillary Clinton for President


Will the American public buy Bill Clinton’s version of reality or Donald Trump’s Idiocracy? – The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – It was a historic moment on Day Two of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia when Senator Bernie Sanders stood up with the Vermont delegation to place Hillary Clinton’s name into nomination…

Democrats Put on Real Political Show in Philly


The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – Oh what a relief it is to see a real political show on television. Last week in Cleveland the Republicans tried to scare the crap out of everybody with their D-list stars trying to make combacks by kissing up to The Donald, and fear mongering by one…

Republican Party Platform 2016 Preamble


EDITORS NOTE – We thought it might be interesting and informative to compare the Democratic Party and Republican Party platforms for 2016. Check out the preamble to the Republican Party platform. It reads like an editorial statement of the party’s positions on issues. The link to the full platform as a PDF file is posted…

Democratic Party Platform 2016 Preamble


EDITORS NOTE – We thought it might be interesting and informative to compare the Democratic Party and Republican Party platforms for 2016. For starters, check out the preamble to the Democratic Party platform. It reads like an editorial statement of the party’s positions on issues. The link to the full platform as a PDF file…

Trump Knocks One Out of the Park in Cleveland


It was a doozy of a speech, full of iffy facts and false promises. But they loved it… By Glynn Wilson – While many of my liberal and progressive Democrat friends say on Facebook they could not watch Donald Trump’s acceptance speech at the Republican convention Thursday night, or if they did, they called it…

In A Post-Literate Society, Trump Might As Well Be President


The Big Picture – By Glynn Wilson – The first night of the Republican convention in Cleveland was hard to watch. I flipped around some on broadcast TeeVee to see what was going on, and the poor news casters were having a hard time keeping a straight face and reporting the news with fairness and…