Tag Archive for Hank Sanders

Why Jeff Sessions Would Be Unjust at the Justice Department


By Hank Sanders – Alabama Senator – I was asked, “Will you testify at the hearing on Jeff Sessions?” I said, “I will be glad to help in any way I can.” She said, “We don’t know how many witnesses the opposing side will have so that impacts who will testify.” It never occurred to…

What’s at Stake in the August Special Session?


By Hank Sanders – MONTGOMERY, Ala. — What will this looming special legislative session bring? Will it bring fiscal solutions for Medicaid? Will it bring solutions for the hemorrhaging General Fund? Will it bring expansion of Medicaid? Will it bring long lurking gambling efforts to a head? Will it bring better or worse public education?…

Black in America: I Am Afraid, but I Summon My Courage


By Hank Sanders – SELMA, Ala. – Every time I am stopped by law enforcement, I’m afraid. I recently shared this fear with a friend who is White. He said he understood, but it is very hard for most Whites to understand what it is like to be stopped by law enforcement when you are…

The Fiftieth Anniversary in Selma: A Once In a Lifetime Experience


By Hank Sanders – It’s a once in a lifetime experience! I know you have heard that statement before, but this really is a once in a lifetime experience. It’s once in a lifetime because it happens only once. It’s once in a lifetime because it’s so big. It’s once in a lifetime because it’s…