Tag Archive for Selfish Gene

Thanksgiving 2020: Goodbye Donald Trump

NAJ EarthFlag 160x120 - Thanksgiving 2020: Goodbye Donald Trump

The Big Picture –  By Glynn Wilson –  UNDISCLOSED LOCATION, N.C. — To all the people out there alone on this Thanksgiving holiday (and even those who are not alone or don’t celebrate) it must be said that we all have one big thing to be thankful for this year in the winter of our…

Can Altruism Trump Selfishness to Save Democracy and Planet Earth?


Part II: How Existential Anxiety Leads to Authoritarianism – Case Studies: Donald Trump and George Wallace By Glynn Wilson – Introduction Donald Trump has fired all the scientists in the White House. He’s made working conditions in the federal agencies so intolerable that many smart, educated people have simply quit. That seems to be by…